
Well, it’s not mine per se, but as a cultural, shared monument and political statement it’s going good.

Ha, I watching this, and a tonne of other mac-event-related vids, last night. Thanks for the share.


Wait, I’m not gonna blame the misogyny, intolerance, toxic masculinity and homophobia in rap on the bible. Do you think the kids growing up are reading the bible more than the listening to music?

You’re delusional. My boss bought the Pro trash can and it sat unused and probably is still unused 5 years later. If you’re a huge company the cost of upgrading everyone’s computer is crucial. But buying a few computers for an editing suite is totally doable because amortise quite nicely. Plus, render time is costly.

But still favourable to the Mac. This is all pointless. You either want it and can afford it or don’t find it a worthwhile proposition. You prefer the flexibility of windows etc.

Cos everyone else is mega polite n shit. The US, with all it’s freedoms is the biggest exporter of sexist, homophobic music (which for the record I enjoy). It would be a little on the nose to ban it when it’s on every radio.

Good for you. You’re living the dream.

No, I mean it can’t be undone after it goes through. The rest of the EU will not be sympathetic. Plus, the cost and the momentum of the exit will not be easy to reverse.

Counterpoint: the NHS is not perfect and has been ‘crumbling’ since its inception but it stumbles on providing ‘free’ healthcare for everyone.

As much as I would love to give these people a scare, brexit can’t be undone and I can’t wish economic collapse on anyone.

Why indeed. If you’re an American the you don’t need to give a fuck.

I’m aghast this isn’t being shouted from the roof-tops by the left.

Yeah nah, but maybe.

Trumps idiocy is so commonplace but he’s outdone himself. He just lost his British fans, and yes, of course, they exist.

Y’know, I’ve just never liked that wanker. I respect Fable but it never stole my heart like some JRPGs.

Jeez, imagine a Watch Dogs 4 in North Korea without phones, cameras and computers.

Thank, yeah, it’s a good game. Fuck it, I’d love to see the next Far Cry set in my back yard, NZ.

Nah, these bros are going back the Romans, conveniently forgetting about the shade of their skin. 

“...rushed a product out the door.