
I’m white, mom German, Dad British. When I see/hear/read about white Americans representing themselves as some hybrid congealed mega-mono-culture I cringe. Like their ‘culture’ is responsible for all the art of they French, Spanish, Italian people. Those dick-bags need to shut the fuck up with that nonsense.

I’m happy with London but I want to have even more diversity in open world locations. I’ve driven around game-LA too many times.

Agreed but it sound like you recruit them so there has to be a central character. Jeez, please let there be a central protagonist, especially after the great work they did with Marcus.

I doubt they would have undertaken it without having an answer but also consider the regional dialects (Liverpool, Wales, Birmingham etc). I hope the V/O is more varied like the real London.

Just played Watchdogs 2 again and i just love that game. It has some great characters (including the villain) and varied gameplay.

It’s an embarrassment this has taken so long to implement. I love drawing on the Pro.

Part of me is mad as hell because I run a small design business and that’s just taking the piss. It’s literally indefensible price gouging.

I get you on this but rap is, and is more, than a genre (Rage Against the Machine, Blondie’s Rapture). It’s pervasive and part of pop(ular culture).

This is my take. I love rap but yeah, there’s a lot of dark, sexists and homophobic bullshit it needs to evolve from.

This is it for me. My niece is getting to be quite the ‘gram-er. I don’t have a problem with her expressing herself but I keep reminding her to make sure she’s doing it for the right reasons. To be creative and avoid doing it for her ego. 

Off topic: Look at that miserable bedroom! The green walls and that terrible duvet cover. What world are we letting our kids grow up in.

No bet, of course he did, she’s 5'11" (just like Don’s daughter).

I want this to stick and the public to let him know that they like it.

People who write without paragraphs shall not inherit the earth. Or my attention.

If you’re praying for the USA then why do you need to pray for Trump? Seems redundant and counter-productive, as they are ideologically opposed.

Nothing ‘alt’ about these ghouls. King is as mainstream as it gets.

I kinda realised this after I posted but it’s still petty.

“Looks like a gimmicky toy”

Are you complaining that a group of creatives got together and did something?

Yeah but slaves are proof they are superior... at least to King et al.