
I was surprised by Echo almost committing suicide. I get that she has lost basically everything, but the show had her work to survive until that moment.

Someone put the information crumbs of the mining cloning that is linked
with the prisoner transporting into a gifs sets with the episode numbers

Bob and Tasya (Echo) thought they were maybe going romantic with them back in S2. S4 also seemingly had Echo be a bit softer if she was dealing with BelIamy. I don't feel like S4 set up any romantic with them, but it did pave the wave for an interesting relationship. Echo's intentions never came from a place of malice

He wasn't totally innocent in that tho. He sought out ALIE and killed or got killed people that was with him on the way. When they were on the boat, he threw one of the arkadians with him overboard to feed that sea monster and save himself. he obviously considers himself of higher value than others, even back then. he

Jaha should had been killed off ages ago, but i see now why on a pragmatic level why he is being kept around. I feel like they should do shit to not allow him to gain influence/power. that guy is so fast to run off with some idea and rally people behind him that often suffers as consequence.

I really liked that interaction bit. The show has hammered more than ever the "for my people" thing this season, with it being mentioned so often out-loud, but sometimes it can also help put things in perspective.

The show makes it sound like the Ground will be habitable after 5 years for some wild reason. Logically there should be nothing alive of any sustainable size ie no food sources, but for the show to go on there has to be. So im guessing some hand waving of science will take place.

I would counter that a bit with saying the grounders were the ones that died en mass to ensure those things could be taken advantage off if things succeeded (they didn't fully as their time schedule went wrong due to delay at dam). The Arkers sent about 7 guards to MW to help with the siege, while the Grounders sent

Skai Kru wouldn't had accomplished most of what you wrote, without help of Grounders either directly or indirectly (by letting get access or knowledge). A lot of the problems they ran into was also because they were lying to the Grounders and/or withholding information. Clarke not telling Roan was what initially

"let the missile hit" makes it sound like you believe they could had stopped the missile, which they never could. There was a big 'flaw' in the 'TonDC moral dilemma' which was the spotter turned sniper could had called in the missile any time. That was also why mass evacuation wasn't possible, as the spotter would

You follow Breitbart. A site run by neo nazis, with 'journalists and editors' guilty of domestic violence and emotional + verbal child abuse. Not to mention they have this habit of defending and promoting rapists, and being you know, horribly racist.

Roan seemed fairly confident that he would win to and so seemed Nia.

Jasper and Monty is supposed to be 16 even if I remember right, and Christopher Larkin is 30. Clarke turned 18 while on the ground in S1, Octavia I'm not even sure if she is even 18 yet. Bellamy was the only adult there at first, and given the flash back around 7-10 year difference between him and Octavia. So if we

I'm 100% expecting some save. Like maybe nightblood produced in Space (ie the original way), will make her immune to ALIE's damage and influence. Afterall, we saw that Lexa was immune to ALIE inside CoL etc so wouldn't surprise me if the writers added some extra stuff. We seen blood heal insane injuries, like Maya's

Sadly, those rumors can not be true with LM as they were started right around the same time they had selected a director and the project was announced. No way casting had even started at that point. LM is doing some nudge and wink wink in the hopes of getting their attention through fan buzz, which fair as Ricky also

I think something will stop the Bunker Games for being completed. Maybe the radiation will cause some insane weather forcing them to work together or one clan or more will try to take everything by force.

I agree with you that Kane has proven himself to her, and I reckon she trusts him as much as she can.

I think on one hand it was bad, and on the other it wasn't.

The attempts at killing children is what gets my hate, and his lack of acknowledgement and show of remorse for many of his actions. There are bad decisions, and then there are villainous ones. I know the show toys with these things, but it tends to do so with understandable mitigating factors. Bellamy severely lacks

Your kidding right? The hypable girl got the charming combination of being racist and homophobic, and she also 'steals content'. She is an extreme bellarke superfan and her "reviews" are heavily influenced by that. She sometimes give lip service to being neutral, but has gone on rants about how they are owed romantic