You know, I try to take Internet backlash with a grain of salt, but holy shit: these guys really do just copy and paste the winner envelopes from year to year, don't they?
You know, I try to take Internet backlash with a grain of salt, but holy shit: these guys really do just copy and paste the winner envelopes from year to year, don't they?
And heeeere come the subscription fees!
Some of the streamers are really engaging personalities, some folks like to watch elite play or speed runs, some just want to see girls in halter tops play Hearthstone, and for others, it's a community hangout with like-minded folks.
Typing 'gin blossoms' into YouTube came up with six auto-complete songs I've heard of, meaning they were at least moderate hits. No small feat!
Jesus, another cockamamie pun thread.
Even as a relative kid, I remember thinking they sounded like old people music. Not bad or anything - certainly catchy and pleasant - just old. Even R.E.M., who were likely their elders by a fair amount, sounded hipper.
"Oh no! Beta!"
But he's so loud, and wacky!
Yup, same here. I'll make a token effort to catch a 'Simpsons' episode now and then, but it's always a fairly recent episode. I have no idea how syndication deals work, but it's a darn shame, especially since they seem to have no problem going through Family Guy's entire catalog.
He's gettin' a good sound out of that guy!
Ooh, la-di-da! Mr. Fancy French Man and his color monitor! Mine was pure green and I liked it that way!
I basically wrote the entire SLH entry on TVTropes.
Did he really name his kid Harley Quinn? Are you shitting me?
It teaches a very valuable lesson: that Hotline Miami is awesome.
To be fair to Megan Fox, she only has one expression now following all of that unnecessary plastic surgery. She was actually really excited to do a Ninja Turtles movie, like any actor would be.
"Belushi comin'!" - craft services staff.
DA2 is essentially Dynasty Warriors with a coherent story presentation. Once you make piece with that, you can take the game as you will. I thought the characters were enough to make it a worthwhile trip, but damn did I miss the combat of Origins. Origins on PC had combat which took the best parts of an MMO and…
As someone else who uses humor to mask his depression and sadness, I have no snark to offer. I feel your pain, brother, and I hope you no longer feel any yourself.
In Hollywood's defense, she IS black, so what do you want them to do? Write substantial, meaty parts for women of color? Let's be reasonable.