
And MY fourth favorite scene involving the term 'petroleum distillate.'

Me too. The music always seems to be high-quality and relaxing in snow levels, and there's something visually appealing about the splashes of color and action on a white, snowy backdrop.

The Phendrana Drifts area of Metroid Prime is when my early awe of the game turned into love. That music is like aloe for my heart.

Yes, Kelly Coffield. She could have just been the person they plugged in when they needed a white lady, but she was always solid. She really knew how to play "white" in a way that was perfect for that show.

You don't know what it's like to be constantly criticized by people you can safely ignore from your gilded throne of wealth and privilege!

It''s almost absurd how much talent was in that original cast. I remember even enjoying skits like 'Hey Mon!,' even though I was a sheltered white kid who didn't understand the commentary being made. Fox used to make some damn fine appointment television.

The wife and I actually cheered a bit when Matt's slow-building slasher grin appeared. So many memories!

"So, Matt, what have you been up to since we last spoke?"
"Oh, the usual, Alex. Appearing in the fever dreams of small children, strangling nurses in a supply shed, and some light reading."

Ditto. I'm trying real hard not to be the guy who says he wants more diversity and creativity in games, and then goes and buys the same safe shit all the time regardless.

Yup. And I don't want this to come off as PC MASTER RACE!!! chest-thumping; I grew up on the NES and was a console guy for decades. The console-makers simply wore out my consumer confidence and I found more interesting, reliable, and affordable options elsewhere.

This will be my first generation (and likely not the last) where I don't buy a console. Every single one of my consoles broke down last generation, except the Wii. I sold my soul to Steam and have been happier than a pig in plop since. There are some exclusives I'll be sad I miss, but I don't even have time to play

Hey! Don't forget old people who will watch anything in which people get murdered and then people try to solve that murder with their gumption.

Adam Jensen sheds a single, augmented tear.

I will concede that her performance on Buffy was… um, "interesting," to put it politely. Yet she never failed to entertain, even if it was mostly unintentionally.

I remember when she was dating Annie Clark (St. Vincent), a fabled relationship between two people who don't like saying jack shit about their love lives. For all anyone knew, they were spending all that time together to conspire to put mutating toxins into Gotham's water supply.

When do they start fighting the vampires at Woodstocks?

I dunno; I liked it. It was nice having three adults playing Jeopardy again, without some spectrum case shouting all the time or steamrolling Trebek with his robotic clue-calling and eerie doll's eyes.

Yup, a similar story here. I was a huge fan of the game in high school, but I remember the game pumping out some really lazy, cheaply-made set (Fallen Empires, maybe?) and noticing the increasing taint of money-chasing on the game, both from the producers and the player base. Other players sounded more like

I hate to be a pedant, but seeing as she's The Boss, Banks should really be the top in their relationship.

Awww, it actually looks like Grimace is trying to shake harder in your avatar photo. He must have heard there were doings a-transpirin'.