Are the “Wage Thief”/ “Tax Cheat” posters Democrats protesting him or Republicans supporting him? Could go either way.
Are the “Wage Thief”/ “Tax Cheat” posters Democrats protesting him or Republicans supporting him? Could go either way.
Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”
Also, and here’s the thing that always gets me with these kind of “let the man be part of the decision bills” - if they want to have equal say in whether or not a woman should get an abortion shouldn’t they be automatically legally responsible for at least 50% of taking care of that child once it’s born?
The “staring at him” thing was Donald being stupid — a Japanese photographer said something in Japanese that Trump didn’t understand, and Trump asked Abe what the photographer said. Abe told Trump the photographer had said “Look at me,” meaning “I’m taking your picture, please turn toward me.” Trump misunderstood what…
2017 - Year of the Grabber
Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop
Well, it’s not her fault. After all, there were no dresses left in all of D.C. because of the huge demand on all of the dress shops.
wait, i thought they all voted for him because Obama didn’t create any jobs and no one has any jobs?
Everyone got their early and the crowds are enormous. The biggest crowds at any inauguration ever. People are saying this is the best. Traffic was great because Trump has made everything great again already. Anybody who says different is a liar. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. We’ve always…
“Wait until you see this beautiful hotel! Trump Tower Grand Canyon is incredible. It’s amazing, bigly. You know, we have the best of the best. Just the best food, the best rooms, the best people, and the best view! We made the Grand Canyon Great Again! Amazing!”
Our asshat of a governor here in Maine (LePage) went on a little tantrum about Pingree not attending calling on her to resign.
The real headline should be “Someone Drove A 911R”
I mean we only hear about the tech they want us to hear about
No, you understand being a woman by virtue of being one. But if you get fucked by a man you’ll understand what it means to be a gay man. It’s like getting a prestige class in D&D.