Justin Garrison

I finally mounted my 3rd monitor so here's mine.

Does anyone out there actually work four 10 hour days? I'm really interested in hearing someone's experience with it as I am thinking about asking to switch to that schedule in the coming months.

Is skitch better than greenshot? Skitch looks pretty but greenshot is so functional and more flexible. I'm not sure I understand the point of a mobile client for the app but maybe someone needs it.

I just got my 10th cert this year and after putting them all on my LinkedIn profile I got a couple calls from recruiters, one from Google, when I never applied for positions.
In that regard I'd say the right certificates will get you noticed. But going the extra mile and proving your the right fit for the job is what

If you are looking to work in an enterprise doing medical, financial, or directory work then yes.

#corrections his name is Joss Whedon not Josh

This reply may be a little bit late but I just worked on something similar this past week. I was doing it so that forward and back would be sent to by browser/explorer with the same mouse sequence.

$website = "LivingSocial"

I must be doing something wrong. I just did a quick chart from my last year of checking/savings on mint and came up with these numbers.

You can do your own research into the actual cost to run LCDs vs plasmas

Heat generation may be true but power consumption is often exaggerated between the various types of displays.

I don't think I was clear. I was replacing rubber bands every 6 months. Leather wallets usually lasted me 1-2 years. I typically got tired of the design sooner than the wallet broke.

I've never used it for that (it's one time use) but I have it available if i need it.

Since were on the topic of efficient wallets. Can someone help me find a pen that is wallet sized but becomes full sized when in use. I would like to have the option to carry a pen in my wallet for ideas and notes that come up while I'm out.

Only if you have malicious intent

There are two reasons for the lockpick set.

Thanks for the tip. I know the AAA insurance card says you should keep it on you (as well as in your car) but maybe I'll ask them their reasoning when I renew.

I never destroyed conventional wallets. I just never liked them. They were always either too big or too much of a hassle to keep organized and pull cards in and out of. This is cheap, simple, and efficient for my needs.

I find it superior for the following reasons.

I've never tried either of those but in the past I never wanted to spend more than $10 on a wallet (which is probably why I have hated them all). I've tried other leather sleeves in the past though but always had difficulty getting dollar bills in and out and the leather wasn't flexible enough to fit a lot of cards.