Justin Garrison

My company (Disney) offers Education reimbursement for degrees and college tuition (up to a certain $$ per unit) and will cover books if the degree is approved by VP.

I do a similar thing with Google Wallet. I set up recurring transfers from my bank account and then use Google Wallet for all “fun” purchases. It also helps that I got a physical Google Wallet card so I could use it anywhere mastercard is accepted.

Anyone know how this compare to the blossom? Similar controller for $50 less

Anyone know how this compare to the blossom? Similar controller for $50 less

I started writing everything in the comments but realized there was too much to say. I have owned all three devices and feel like there was a lot of day-to-day usage things that were missed. Here’s my post with my thoughts on the three devices.…

It used to be the case that monthly payment plans were a complete ripoff. Is that still the case? Is there some financial incentive to stay with a 2 year plan?

I didn’t mean people shouldn’t patch (they should). I just was pointing out the bigger problem of someone with malicious intent having physical access to your computer.

That’s pretty dumb.

I had the exact opposite problem. When looking for my last job I asked for a 20% increase and was offered 100% increase from my current job. Obviously I was under valuing my position. To top it off they also gave me another 1.5% increase 6 months later and a 8% bonus 3 months after that.

I started a community podcast a while ago which was more work than I expected (~5-8 hours per week). It was my way to give back to a community I was a part of (Linux Mint) and opened a lot of doors down the road. It ended up being a good way to get my foot in the door and show I knew what I was talking about with

I guess this means I’m not getting Amazon Prime app on Android TV either :(

I had problems with it sticking to the dash (texture problem?) and I would hate for it to leave that residue on my dash if it melted. At least the windshield is more easily cleaned/replaced.

I would have agreed until my suction cup did this a couple weeks ago. iottie agreed to send me another one but I’m skeptical about using it after this.

This series is especially good because it comes with full LED array and local dimming. I’ve had the e550 for almost a year now and really like it.

I logged in just to post this because I have no idea what the difference would be. Pass has been around a while and seems more feature complete from a glance.

I do it (not with collard shirts) because putting glasses in my pocket breaks them, putting them on the front of my collar makes them fall when I bend over and stretches the front of my collar. Plus I imagine they are a sword when I take them off and put them on.

Now playing

I have a few things to saw about standing desks. I’ve been using them since 2009. First of all, some links

I was audited this year for my 2011 tax return. I had HR Block do my taxes that ONE year which was absolutely the worst thing in the world. Not only did they forget to claim a first time home buyers credit ($8000) but they didn’t even send W2s and asked me to not claim my income from contract writing for the how-to

Still no new features for Android TV users. Makes me nervous it’ll be forgotten about like Google TV.

Vote: Groupme split