Justin Garrison

Coins typically just float around in my wallet pocket. I don't keep them on me very long because as soon as I'm in my car, at my desk, or at home I have a place to keep change.

I tried some money clips in the past but for some reason I never liked them. They seemed too rigid for their purpose and I often had 1 or 2 things that would slip out. I probably just bought cheap clips but never wanted to spend more than $10 on a wallet anyway.

I get email alerts for work (nagios) and but hate email notifications. I use this to forward the alerts to my cell via txt which I do get alerts for.

I have a similar one because I am on a list with my coworkers for various things. Here's mine

I wrote this article just so I could respond to this. Use a broccoli rubber band. It's the best wallet I've ever used after years trying different things.

It often depends on what I'm doing for how often I wash my clothes but there is one trick I learned for keeping track of how many times I've worn my button down shirts. I learned this trick in my last job where the uniform was fairly strict and I always wore undershirts (which I wash every time). This helped me keep

I've been using standing desk(s) for 2 years now and really love the option to sit or stand depending on what I want to do. (pictured is my current, and so far my favorite, desk)

Because I use a standing desk I typically use phone calls as a chance to switch things up and sit. It was very helpful when I first switched to a standing desk because I would reserve phone calls, meetings, and eating for sitting and work was done standing. It gave me a good balance between the two without getting too

If you're using NPVR make sure you install the latest patches to fix bugs with the software and XBMC

I'd just like to see the site cleaned up to take advantage of some of the things you already have. Your "always up to date" articles are great but where are they? I keep having to search Google to find them. How about better categorization for your existing stuff? I'd also like to see fewer Gawker/Gizmodo reposts. If

This, and then whatever alerts (SMS) have come through to my phone throughout the night.

VOTE: Onkyo NR series

I'm with Joe-Geronimo. I don't like the taste or the smell. The smell used to give me headaches.

As for GV integration. I have been getting a long great with just using the numbers the GV apps generates for each contact. If you've never used them before here's what you do.

Does he have a blog/twitter where you are following updates? I'm curious and waiting as well.

Let me tell you what it's REALLY like to be color blind.

Activator, FolderEnhancer, and GV SMS integration are the ones I really like in addition to some already mentioned.

So what's the difference between these and just getting anti glare saftey glasses? You could get it with or without tint for 1/10 of the price

You are able to append to a note. Here's the recipe I used

Now playing

First of all, I'd like to share my IFTTT video I made last year :)