Justin Garrison

VOTE: SUBSONIC <- for music streaming

VOTE: SUBSONIC <- for music streaming

VOTE: SUBSONIC <- for music streaming

Does anyone know how to make the HP Driver search work with a custom search engine?

I know it's more expensive but I keep one of these at work for afternoon snacks. Most useful b-day present I've received in a long time.

Does anyone on LH use a Windows Phone device and/or for email? I'm assuming LH uses GApps, have you found any apps in the marketplace that help team collaboration or Google Apps Scripts that you use?

My in-laws still don't have Netflix but love renting movies from Blockbuster/Hollywood. That is a must but the problem is they don't use a computer so a disc queue is not easy to manage for them.

vote: HR block

I wrote an article if you're looking to modify your desk into a standing desk

I was the original writer of the article and just last week I finally cut holes in my cabinet for proper intake and exhaust. I then put the receiver and PS3 in the same cabinet and the whole thing stays well ventilated. It has now been a year since I set this up and here are a few things I'd recommend.


Magnets do it with magic!

I'm not familiar with WEB encryption #corrections

I use "unsubscribe" but make sure I exclude emails that come from my work domain in case co-workers forward subscriptions to me that I should see. Use from:( in your filter to exclude emails sent from a co-worker #tip <-do people still do tips with the new comments?

As someone who makes $50k+ I can say that I think I was more financially happy when I made <$30k. I had fewer responsibilities, no house, no car, and no worries about losing my job and not being able to support myself because <$30k jobs are really easy to get.

my work is currently looking to deploy crash plan pro for all of our users and you my be interested to know that Apple uses crash plan for employee backups. Goes to show how much faith they have in time machine.

@uthor1981 @Brian6330 no I didn't end up hiring them because there was someone else that was a better fit for the position.

I mostly use firecore on the Apple TV2 after reviewing it I found it worth the purchase and is easier for my wife to navigate than XBMC.

First of all, no US broadcasters broadcast OTA 1080p signal. Second, there are no 1080p cable channels in the US outside of PPV, and that looks like crap anyway.

As a hiring manager I have only ever once received a hand written letter. I noticed this a lot more because it took the person more time and money to make sure they thanked me. It also stayed on my desk a lot longer than any email thank you stayed in my inbox. I would always recommend a hand written thank you letter.