Justin Garrison

@vladgur: Ya, that is all my fault for not having my wife proof read. I am a terrible speller and just fixed that on my site.

@coolbho3000: I recently just heard about the NDK but am very surprised at how little it seems to be advertised. Unfortunately it still doesn't change the fact that games on Android aren't of the same caliber as games on iOS or webOS.

@Prairie Moon: You are correct, putting features into something doesn't just make something better. WinMo has had a ton of these features for a very long time but it doesn't actually make it better.

@freakshowtime: I think this is something that we all gladly take, but it is in every modern OS so I still didn't think it was a good comparison for which does it best. WebOS and iOS at least aren't dependent on carriers and manufactures to push out updates. When Palm/Apple say there is an update, everyone gets it.

@tj: You can post thoughts right on my site or it just got re-posted over at lifehacker too where you could leave a comment. :) []

@tj: Thanks for the links. I guess it has been hard because for the past 6 months webOS has been pretty quite on most sites when I still think it is ahead of the game in many respects.

@tj: I really just don't understand why all these shifts away from Palm are such a "good" thing. No tech site really backs webOS as being a good mobile OS. For some reason great designers and features don't make a good mobile OS. Great designers leaving to pick up the slack for other OS's is a good thing though.

All I want to know is does this screen use a capacitive, resistive, or the crappy IR touch technology?

@seanSF: I agree that webOS is where I want to be.

Reminds me of a phone dock I made a couple years ago.

@imdante: I helped you mod your first xbox and I would be glad to help you with your first HTPC. The fact that you can have all the awesomeness of XBMC and record live television is a win win.

Cool feature, reminds me of mintUpload in Linux Mint.

VOTE: LastPass

I voted Synergy because it is cross platform. But if you are using 2 Windows machines I would recommend Input director over Synergy any day.

I am guessing this sort of thing won't be possible in an air popper since you really can't add oil to the popping process.

@nuke_you: It bugs me too but the rack is actually on wheels cause we sometimes need to bring the server out to our imaging location in our storage cage. The wires get managed maybe once a year and right now it is about 8 month in from its last management. We try new things on the rack so often it gets hard to

Thanks Lifehacker for sharing the photos. I am really proud of where our office has come from and where it is now. It is very functional and it needs to be for the amount of computers we work on every day. I am really glad to hear all the feedback in the comments and welcome any questions or suggestions.

@Firesphere: We typically all try to keep 1 PC and 1 Mac available for each person so we can go remote with customers. If we don't have anything running OS X we can only do about 80% of our work remotely. For those of us that don't have something running OS X there is a Macmini available that we go remote with to go

@phoenix: The customizations is a benefit of A: not having any customers directly come into our office and B: being on a different campus from the main support buildings. We are in a windowless office about a mile from the main campus so we can do pretty much whatever we want to the walls (short of costing the

@IN THE FACE!: Mostly it is full time workers. We only have 1 student worker and 1 part time worker. Everyone else is full time. There is another Student only office on campus but I don't have pictures of that.