Justin Garrison

This is yet another reason I moved to MythTV. Here is a how to on commercial skipping in MythTV:

This is yet another reason I moved to MythTV. Here is a how to on how to skip commercials in MythTV: Select "All available methods" in the General TV settings window.

@canadianco: HDHomerun is the best QAM tuner I have ever had and it is 2 tuners that doesn't even have to plug into your computer. Other than that, I have had good luck with Divico QAM cards.

Thank you Lifehacker for giving me a chance to pimp the Linux Mint podcast at []

Does anyone know how to get buzz in Google hosted accounts? Google hosts my email/calender at my blog but buzz only shows up at my Gmail account (which I never actually log into).

@cruud: doggcatcher is a good one but costs or Google makes one called Listen which is free and also works well enough.

Vote: Zune

Common commenters, you can't expect them to discuss every HTPC software out there. MythTV, SageTV, BeyondTV, Got-all-media, GBPVR, MediaPortal, AppleTV etc. They did a decent job and IMO they covered all of the best looking ones out there which is what people are really interested in these days.


Google cache here [] Site was out of bandwidth when I tried it.

VOTE: Google Shared Shopping List

MythTV skips my commercials for me. Unless of course I am watching LiveTV which happens on occasion. #tv

@austin316gb: They have something called folder duplication which is similar to what a Drobo does where your files will be backed up on a separate drive hence duplicating your shared folders. (you can turn this on or off for each share you have).

@Adam Pash: If you drag the resize arrows to the bottom it will also maximize vertically. #windows

VOTE: FileHippo Update Checker #hivefive

@NICU: I think the only thing we are really waiting on is moonlight 3.0. Now that Netflix uses Silverlight Linux needs a decent silverlight plugin to watch movies.

I am all for building your own NAS and especially using Linux (I have built a few). But WHS does a few things right that I never got from Linux. The main thing being folder duplication (like a drobo) hard drive size/brand etc doesn't matter. I know unRAID is finally picking up steam with development but I am not going

Any clue on when Firefox will add this support to it's browser? I think it is the only major browser that doesn't have this functionallity.

@jb: I am not sure I follow. I opened the explorer pin and tried win+right/left but nothing happened. Is there a video or screenshot of what this is supposed to look like?