Justin Garrison

@rothgar: When I am not at my desk I use my stylus.

@rothgar: I cannot bend my wrist flat due to a crowd surfing accident in 1998. Having it vertical helps a lot with pain. Well that and not crowd surfing anymore.

I use the Evoluent Mouse while at my desk.

VOTE: Pidgin

Vote: TomTom 920t

I just paid for a Pandora One account today. I use it enough at work that I don't want to go back to creating new stations etc. Plus it works on my phone so I guess I can listen to it on the go too.

VOTE: Windows Home Server

Sweet! going to San Francisco next month. This is going to be great to give it a try. Would be even better if it integrated into Android.

Anyone know of a frontend to allrecipes? I am looking to build a kitchen PC and this would be a great companion to be able to have a full screen recipe search right next to the sink.

@MPS: I would have to agree. I don't see why evernote is there besides the fact that it works on everyone's precious iphones.

I still think the HP Mini 1000 (or 2140) are great except maybe for their weird mouse button layout.

VOTE:Tablet + Onenote 2007

If you are looking for the login background I went ahead and pulled those from the dll file for myself. You can download them at my blog.

@MonkeyCookie: I had the same thoughts about Paint.NET in Linux. I really don't like Gimp and can only hope for mono to be able to support a program as intensive as Paint.NET in the future.

@chaos0815: I do the same thing but I just label the item "readlater" and pick it up later on any computer I am at. I like this method cause it makes it easy to keep the bookmark and just re-tag it later.

@Superweirdash: You should really work on getting away from itunes. If you ever want to do anything non-Apple you will just need to start using something else.

I love gnome-do but last time I switched to the dock layout to give it a try I couldn't get out of it and back to the "normal" way it used to work. I also didn't want to delete the preference folder in my home directory. Is there a way to get out of dock mode? (it covers my mint menu)

VOTE:Sony Vegas

If Digsby wins this I will lose faith in the Lifehacker community.