Justin Garrison

Ze Frank is the man!

I picked up Ubuntu Kung Fu in Borders a few weeks ago and I couldn't put it down. I regularly visit the Ubuntu formus but this had so much good information all indexed and in one place. I even learned a couple new tricks and found some great programs like Gnome-art NG.

I would have voted for VLC but I find that I use portable Filezilla more than anything else. Most of the computers I use now already have Firefox and with delicious I don't need to worry about my bookmarks.

DRM free music is number 1? Really? I am glad for it (even if I hate itunes) but people who really care have probably already free'd their music a long time ago.

@Anaerin: Does it support IPTV like U-Verse? or are you just talking about online RSS TV shows? Cause I have never seen it actually support real IPTV. Would love to know if it can be used in place of a U-Verse DVR though.

Vote: Mythtv

@ejf071189: It does not add Netflix on Windows or Ubuntu. and like said above the Apple TV may never get it.

@Thor263: I recommend Linux Mint as well. Great product and looks better than Ubuntu by default IMO.

@rothgar: It finally went for me. Here is the gist of it.

anyone else having problems with the site? Link and homepage error out for me.

@m-unit: I have installed and used media portal multiple times but every time I just hate it. XBMC on the other hand has been on my xbox since 2004 and every release makes me love it more. The fact that I can use it on my computer now is just a bonus.

@syrian_gamer: I have used XBMC for years (back when it was XBMP) but Media center is no slouch in its own right. With the plugins people have created for it, it is up there with some of the best. I look forward to media center on Windows 7.

IMO all the boxee votes go to XBMC too. Cause without XBMC there would be no boxee.


PDC codes to start flooding in in 3...2...1...

Just FYI. I tried this out and my boot time without this modification was 1:15 and with this was 1:43. I think I will stay without it for now.

If i look ONLY at the OS and not what hardware it is on I would pick Android for sure. That OS has the most potential and was very easy to use on my 6800 (would have been better if the touch screen worked properly)

@malnourish: I used Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Slax, elive, etc. etc. Basically any live CD I could get my hands on in the past 4 years I have been playing with.

The best mouse I have ever used is the one you have right there in the picture.