Justin Garrison

ok, I do have read access to read the picture.

I cannot run the script as myself (only as root) and because of that the picture itself is owned by root (not my user even though the picture is in my home folder).

@Blaker: I have the problem of the script not running because my user does not have permission. If I open a terminal and sudo ./ it works just fine. I tried setting my owner (chown) and permissions (chmod 775) on the file but it still doesn't run every hour like i thought it would.

@Tara-PassPack@Tara-PassPack: I have been thinking a tag based OS would be great for a little while too. At least let me tag all of my documents and and my "folders" are really just searches. Vista kinda can do this with Stacks but it isn't super easy to set up for everything I want.

Vote: Filezilla

locks for my door that work off my bluetooth phone. Same with my car. Not just RFID on one door. I think it would be cooler to only have to leave the house with my phone and be able to get into/start/drive my car and still be able to get in my house. And not have the software just look for a BT mac address but

I voted synctoy but live mesh is starting to look good to me. Especially when the windows mobile client comes out.

I voted amarok only because as a music player it wins in my book (can't wait for the next release)


Anyone have tips for the best mobile start pages?

vista quick launch /start menu search. The quick launch finally has shortcut keys to launch the items (Win+1,2,3)

Vote: Vista Quick Launch (Windows+1,2,3 launches the quick launch item)

Bloglines has my vote. Mainly because I can easily read it from my phone when I am away from my desk.

I tried this on a regular treo/windows mobile device and found the bar codes would not scan I think cause the screens were not very scanner friendly (not sure if it was resolution on screen glare). I imagine the iPhone screen is a lot better for this sort of thing.

VOTE: Notepad++

I think they should just buy the mac mini and put mythtv or vista ultimate on it. Switching between programs to watch videos or watch tv is not ideal for a dvr.

support for calendar, contacts, delegates from exchange.

for XP users (I need to double check on vista)

why not just get one of the new $100 shuttle PC's, a usb tuner card and call it a day. can also wake up your computer if you have it set up to do so.