
That’s what I thought! I read that and thought, “Well, maybe he’s a Marvel fan, and he’s got an Iron Man shirt and a Cap shirt and...”

This is exactly what I thought of watching the trailer - it’s got the same sort of vibe to it and a pretty similar plot (although different backgrounds) and Ryan Reynolds can make a lot out of roles. Plus Taiki Waititi hamming it up as what looks like a bad guy in there - that’s a help.

Toby was always my favourite West Wing character. Watching Richard Schiff in this scene is just the icing on the cake.

“Raw unedited and unrefined brutalism”...

“Live edge” is just the natural edge of something. I’ve usually seen it in timber work - not smoothing off the edge of something, just leaving it how the tree grew.

You sound like you’d be the bastard offspring of Marie Kondo and Gordon Ramsay. 14/10, would watch all day.

it’s like a 3D fabric representation of a slinky meeting the event horizon of a black hole

What is “I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying”?

You did not commit a crime

I don’t really get kids (I’m this app’s target market, completely). An ex-colleague of mine has two and apparently one of them would always ask if I’d be there when he offered to take them into work. I had no idea why, but it turned out that the kid was kind of shy, and everyone else in the workplace (most of them

Reading the thread, nobody’s banned from posting political stuff - your mayor can post all the photos of himself and his dog (and his slogan) that he wants. What he can’t do now is hand over a wad of cash to buy reach for that post i.e. it won’t show up under “sponsored” slots on people’s Twitter feeds. If they see

How dairy you imply that MIT is anything other than udderly serious about its campus legend. It must really cheese you off if you’re willing to go to the length of making puns like that.

A spokesperson for Mothers Lounge told the New York Times in a statement that the marketing campaign was “heartfelt.”

This sort of bullshit is why, years ago, I threw away my makeup kit and decided “Fuck it, jeans and t-shirts forevermore.”

“Michael had claimed that after she Tasered Simek in the stomach, the woman managed to gain control of her Taser and zap her in the leg, according to the probable cause statement. Michael claimed she feared the woman would try to grab her gun next ― so she decided to fire.”

I’m an Australian, I actually know who Jackie O is and, honestly, anyone who annoys that vacuous waste of oxygen is doing the Lord’s work. Seriously.

I took it that TLJ wasn’t crazy as in howling-at-the-moon; he’s obsessed. He’s a man with tremendous focus and work ethic, so he’s not going to go all Jack Torrance - he’s going to dive into his mission 900% and end up like this.

Nah, the Astra was a compact, not a minivan.

Read the linked Nat Geo article: it’s not so much that it’s got every variety of apple possible, but it’s got one of the main ancestors of our modern apples (which can still offer genetic diversity to our rather restricted current commercial crops), and incredible diversity of other nuts and fruits as well.

Leisel Jones. 2012 was her fourth Olympics: 2 silver at the 2000 games, 3 medals in 2004, 3 medals in 2008, one in 2012 (the year of the “fat” bullshit). Plus holding a couple of world records and winning world championships. So, yeah, she shouldn’t have had to be dealing with any of that bullshit.