“I would just say, go back to what you did well,
“I would just say, go back to what you did well,
Oh, he’s off buying Barbie dolls and setting fire to them.
Bold of you to assume he think he’s helping. He’s a kid with a toy. Think Sid in Toy Story.
One of the best hours of Trek ever - any series, any era.
Head to the Twitter link in the post.
When skrulls sim you, they get your recent memories, according to Captain Marvel. Now they’ve got those machines in Skrulltopia that let them take your whole mind. They know your safe word.
thinks she’s suffering from insomnia
We saw it last night, and it is magnificent.
Yeah, metal in your bones helps. I broke both bones in my leg just above the ankle (dislocated them out of the joint too, just for additional funsies) and had surgery to insert a bunch of pins and a plate in both. Had a cast on halfway up to my knee for eight weeks, but from about five or six weeks, I was able to…
Pretty sure we’re down to rolling dice to come up with columns now. Use your old (roll 1d6 for noun) to (roll 1d4 for verb) your (roll 1d6 for second noun).
Found the Australian.
You want it to look like the people are underwater, so they need to be underwater. It’s not some gigantic leap — if you were making a western, you’d be out learning how to ride a horse. I knew Sam was a surfer, but Sig and Zoe and the others weren’t particularly ocean-oriented folks. So I was very specific about…
There are even organisations of photographers who volunteer their time so parents can have photographs of their child. It’s really not strange to have those pics taken. And not strange to share them either - with family, with friends, with the world if you’re one of the extremely online, which Teigen is. For a lot of…
Yes, the aerial dragon battles of the War of the Roses are particularly famous.
One of my all time favourite movies ever. Just so sweet and goofy.
You seriously think they’ll be consistent in their rulings? They will not even blink at the dissonance.
He didn’t mention Loving as a case that should be “revisited”, funnily enough.
I honest to god cannot decide if
We’ve just come home from an advance screening (we’re in Australia, the release date here is 31 March).
I was reading through it waiting for the punchline or for someone in the comments to explain the joke I was too out of touch to get, but no, it’s serious?