I go back to my fondest wish: a road movie with Valkyrie and Lady Sif.
I go back to my fondest wish: a road movie with Valkyrie and Lady Sif.
Hadn’t noticed his hands. I was too curious about why he looks like someone dumped a bucket of water over him even though he’s completely dry.
I’m behind in my viewing, but really enjoyed this one.
I am effing amazed the US has managed to keep going as long as it has, I really am.
I saw it the other night (Australia, so dateline in my favour, and the local cinema had an advance screening).
What the fuck expression is Fredo trying to convey in that photo? Blue Steel? “I’ll send you to sleep with the fishes”? Tummy wobbles?
They do have claws (not retractable like cat claws) because they dig. They’re not naturally aggressive (fights in the wild over mating excepted, and those aren’t to the death or anything), but they’ll take on a cat if they can’t flee and feel threatened. Victory is making the cat back off so the rabbit can get away.
Definitely the first. That hint of Kubrick Stare (see link on that page to the oft-accompanying Psychotic Smirk) makes it.
This has moved to here in Australia too — there’s a plan to pay for Indigenous Australian kids and African-descended kids to go see the movie. Much the same reason — to highlight pride in their colour.
How many ways can the president show that he hates women?
Groping women, mocking a disabled reporter, calling Mexican immigrants rapists...functionally illiterate is barely even on the radar. And, given the apparent attitude to science and general intelligence he exudes and that his core audience laps up, it’s not only not a but, it’s a feature.
Fashions change. In his day, that was the hot look.
I love how Cheddar Man has a little grin on his face, like he’s just watching and enjoying the reactions. “Oh, there’s a whole ‘keep Britain white’ campaign? This’ll be good when they meet me.”
The Dora Milaje is a group of female soldiers devoted to T’Challa’s protection; they believe in their country over everything.
Honest to god, if this was on the menu, I’d watch. Over and over.
It’s a good feeling being able to get back out and run. I’m coming off months of knee injury that had me scared to get back on the road (I’ve still been doing other exercise) but the last few weeks I’ve been back into it - 6km run yesterday, and damn, did it feel good. Couch to 5k is a great program too. Enjoy…
No, I’ve actually had that happen to me a few times. Weird, I know, but there are men who manage to flirt without being creeps, who work with women without harassing or being sleazy, who know that if a woman says “no”then “’kay, thanks, bye” is something you can say without your dick shrivelling up and falling off.…
It shouldn’t be news because, yeah, every day women in work have children and the world spins on...but it is. In modern political history, only one female leader has been pregnant and had a child while in office. That was Benazir Bhutto, in 1990.
Seen on Twitter, and I wish I could remember who, to give credit: “239 pounds, on which planet?”
So, wait, you’re saying that Trump actually paid someone for work they did?