
...simply inviting cameras into the room and allowing the public the opportunity to see their president try his hand at something approximating work was “what people who had high hopes for the Trump presidency thought it would be: meeting after meeting like this.”

Only if the editor gets danger money, and therapy afterwards.

Ignorance and stupidity aren’t the same thing, although they’re often in the same aisle at the supermarket. Ignorance is “won’t learn”, stupidity is “can’t learn”. On many things, Trump is profoundly, willfully ignorant, but I don’t think he’s entirely stupid - he has a certain level of practical rat-bastard cunning,

I’ve been on my own thing with health and fitness over the last few years. I’ve dropped a lot of weight but, more than that, I’ve discovered that I can do so much more than I ever thought I could. I can run a few kilometres (not marathons, though - anyone who can run a marathon is a superhuman in my book). I can go to

Also do you have any sports bra recommendations? That’s always been one of my biggest issues with running.

I’m not a great expert on royal etiquette and all that, but I do seem to recall reading that, traditionally, sitting presidents don’t automatically get an invitation to royal weddings. Obama’s not a sitting president, so no problems inviting him, but Trump wouldn’t normally be invited even if he weren’t a garbage fire

The longer Amtrak trips all have dining cars and, given the situation, the food’s pretty decent. Trips I’ve done: Capital Limited (Chicago to Washington), Empire Builder (Seattle to Chicago), Silver Service or Palmetto (I forget which, but Washington to Jacksonville), Southwest Chief (LA to Chicago) and the Texas

Alyssa Milano’s been killing it lately. On this front and on net neutrality too.

He didn’t ride a horse. He sat on it and hoped for the best.

It was like someone yanked out the power cord or something. Jaw went... okay, it was already pretty slack, eyes went...okay, they were already pretty blank...

I think more the latter. He seemed profoundly off balance. That poor horse.

I’m so sorry you had to put up with this garbage.

Malcolm Turnbull, you can shut the fuck up about how it’s Australia’s victory or “our” victory or any shit like that. Instead of actually fucking governing, you made the decision to put people through an emotional goddamn wringer, even worse than normal, to appease the right wing of your own party. You did tremendous

Deadlifts are absolutely worth it. They’re a compound lift, involving pretty much most of your major muscle groups, so you get a huge workout doing them.

Nice work!

Pretty much every CPR instructor I’ve ever had has said that, properly done, CPR has a pretty good chance of cracking or breaking a rib. But broken ribs heal (assuming the person lives through the event that caused them to need CPR in the first place). Do the CPR, the ribs will get better.

Excellent video, thanks for sharing it. Deadlifts are terrific and his explanation of how to position the bar, how to start and move is great.

I am an evil, evil person, because given the number of times Republicans have preached family values in public (“family values” being not-too-thinly-veiled code for “heterosexuality, none of that filthy gay sex you perverts”) and then been caught in wide stances in bathrooms ten minutes later, I went straight past

I’ve decided it’s going to be my personal and public crusade to air out Twitter every time they do something that runs counter to what they claim to be about.

You poor bastard. I hope you’re okay.