
We’ve been warning about the political uselessness of White Feminism(tm) for years. We pointed out the fact that given a choice, white women always pick white supremacy over solidarity and sisterhood to protect their own privilege. We got shouted down, and called bitter and divisive. And look where the fuck we are

I was afraid it was something like that. Which means we will just have to marginalize them. Which, from a karmaic perspective, is pretty much a perfect way for their power to end.

My in-laws are out there, and if you can figure out a way to get through to them, let me know. I wouldn’t have believed it before, but direct contact leads me to understand that their cultural opinions don’t have jack to do with jobs and “economic insecurity” and eeeeverything to do with racism, xenophobia and

And they don’t even seem to be that set on being equal to white men, as long as nobody else gets to be.

Leave rural America behind.

The Boomers are solely responsible for the gerrymandering that exists today. Texas being my fave and most personal example. They are also responsible for gutting education while I was growing up, and also for gutting all the infrastructure that allowed them to be so successful via reaganomics. So yeah, my demo might

The only part of that that concerns me is that the more white people have to listen to the rest of America, the more dangerous they become in their efforts to warp the system so that they maintain control. Repubs have held control due to their increasingly over-the-top rigging of the electoral process, and I worry

White women like white supremacy more than they hate sexism. They’re one of the only marginalized groups that benefits from the patriarchy, so why vote against it? White women like protests and engaging in political theater but at the end of the day, white feminists don’t want equality for all women. They want to be

Yep. Quit pretending that these racist cunts are in the minority or changing their minds. They’ve picked their pony, and that pony keeps winning thanks to them.

Evergreen. Start breaking down voter suppression tactics and listen to black women.

I’m with you; Dems need to accept Republican-voting white people are a lost cause. White people of conscience don’t need to be wooed, they’ll do what’s right anyway. And those who do need to be wooed will just vote Republican anyway.

This country wasn’t built for us, but we’re still fucking here anyway, clawing our way to the table. Stacey Abrams was a damn fine candidate, and she will be a damn fine candidate in the future too. This shit ain’t over yet, y’all!

If you voted for Ted Metz, you too are an asshole.


See, that’s what’s fucked up - they don’t get to say “oh ho, but we kept the polling places open late, doncha know!” That makes the suppression even more despicable. The whole point of voter suppression is to make it hard for people to vote. Closing polling places, limiting the number of machines to create long lines,

That has worked so well in the past!

“But if the Georgia race had taken place in another country—say, the Republic of Georgia—U.S. media and the U.S. State Department would not have hesitated to question its legitimacy, if for no other reason than Kemp’s dual roles as candidate and election overseer.”

I’m surprised this election can be certified without a slew of lawsuits.  I know there already were some to keep a handful of poling places open, but it seems like (from reports, at least) the widespread, blatant voter suppression and just general shit-pullery that Kemp just managed to have fall his way would invite a

Good!  Do. Not. Stop. Fighting!

Good lord. The shit they pulled with this woman. They suppressed the vote with a wink and a smile. Here’s hoping for a runoff.