Rosy Fingers

And take a step back to visualise this solar wall.

Or he may have been empty-threatening Comey, like, "You better not have any tapes of me, scumfuck!" Trump never said he had the tapes. He could as easily just been freaking out that Comey had tapes and then lashing out on Twitter.

"Gizmodo Media Group, which falls under the Fusion Media Group, which includes Fusion the site, as well as sites Univision acquired in the past couple of years, such as The Onion and The Root. Everyone — including Fusion the site and the Onion sites — is moving to Kinja, Gawker’s publishing platform."

It was a pretty racist story but, to be fair, the African cannibal chief was the hero in my mind. And the cannibals definitely had the happy ending.

I believe this was covered in Tarzan's Last Swing, a story I wrote when I was eight. Wherein it's established that cannibals cook their humans living, clothed and whole in giant cauldrons of hot water. And then when Tarzan swings in to rescue them, he slips on the vine and falls into the cauldron and is cooked along

I wouldn't call it their absolute best but it's one I enjoy watching again and again. Like A Serious Man and Burn After Reading, it seems a bit neglected but they're all just fun.

If they have an even half-decent marketing person on their staff the theatre should be turning this into a massive fundraising opportunity - "Help keep Shakespeare alive!"

They're Muslim. Doesn't mean they're immigrants. Most of 'em are likely British-born citizens.

It's fun.

Well, we're working at the level of Sgt. Peppers vs. Pet Sounds here.

This is the reason I keep my head shaved - rat control. Also why I wax my balls and crack: I don't need a rat in charge of my cummin' & poopin'.

I think it's more like the foundational sound of those bands seems based off a single Radiohead song: Street Spirit.

No. You're old. We all are.

I always figured that was acknowledged as a major influence, what with a track named Paranoid Android and another track, Subterranean Homesick Alien, basically being told from Ford Prefect's perspective.

I once accidentally bought a second-hand Patty Smyth record. It was not the Patti Smith album I'd thought I was getting, but then, neither was Peace & Noise.

But surely those figures need updating.

"Damn you Twin Peaks! You feel like nothing going nowhere. When will you reveal Laura Palmer's killer?"
- everybody 25 years ago.

I think its basic premise, of imagining your preferred world, comes directly from an artwork she did? Like the artwork actually includes phrases that are in the song. My memory's hazy

Aww. Hamfisted political stuff aside, I really like the production on Sometime in NYC. It sounds great.

I think by this point Madonna's squandered so much cultural cache that she's Cher-level at best. Bowie nearly did the same thing but he spent the last twenty years rebuilding his reputation. So I guess there's still time for her…