Rosy Fingers

Super cool. And then somehow it all went wrong…

I loved Bjork from the outset. At thirteen years old I endured a Ramones moshpit (and I mean endured. That was not a safe physical situation for a thirteen year old), so I could see Bjork.

I shall never enjoy television more than the short-lived Channel 9 series of Micallef Tonight. That show did not give a care about the niceties of being on a commercial network.

I used to frequent Gawker back when it was prime-source-of-snark bad. It was kinda fun because the comments were similar to here - integral to the site, deep sarcasm with a lefty bent. Then KinJa came and all commenting fell apart. The smart people just left. I left too.

Pasta, eh? Sounds kinda foreign.

There are people out there who realised they made a huge mistake. Here, the "Trump Regrets" Twitter feed might cheer you up:…

About a year ago I heard a song on a car radio that sounded for all the world like an off-brand "You Get What You Give"… Turns out the station was playing a different New Radicals song! It was Twilight Zone levels of uncanny song choice.

That's a beautiful story. I hope you thoroughly sorted out your feelings around sexuality and New Labour… At least Daft Punk hold up.

The crystal way that the snare hits the first "bop" of the chorus is pure pop gold.

That's the saddest part of American Movie?!?!

I just discovered that at Subway you can get a six-inch roll with just avocado for $2.50! It's the cheapest lunch I can find.

Well, Drakes are. The ducks are usually on the receiving end. As are any hens that happen to be about.

In terms of political rhetoric, it amounts to a Mafioso "Hey, that's a nice island you got there in the South Pacific. Shame if you lose it." It's extortion.

Congrats. Vasectomy was one of my better decisions. My experience was a bit smoother than yours in terms of bruising but it's over in a week or two; plus! if you and your partner are STI compatible (and you trust each other not to fuck around) - raw sex for life!

Crowded House are a really odd band, in that with just four albums they created what I think is one of the best GREATEST HITS album line-ups ever. But their filler is so forgettable, often tending towards bad. Their highs are the best but half of their songs are just not so good. Same with Concrete Blonde.

I know this makes me a bad person, but 'Gett Off' is one of only three Prince songs that I genuinely like. And, if I'm being honest, it's partly because of a camp appreciation of the stupid lyrics.

I stuck around for UP and I do love it, but yeah like most I trailed off after.

So Fast So Numb is top 5 R.E.M. for me.

I've never participated before in this thread. First and last time for all things.

I know, man. For me it was Videogum and the Dissolve.