Rosy Fingers

Aww, don't hate on Blake. He brought some primo weed!

Yeah, none of this is unintentional. Note the I-tried-to-make-friends-with-Courtney-Love comment he makes. That's meant to be a "joke". He's loving this.

I dunno. We kids saw them all and our parents weren't necessarily neglectful or awesome. You just had to watch them at your friend's house who did have neglectful parents.

We had a school costume-dance around that time where the theme was "Hollywood". I went as Charlie Chaplin, complete with mascara'd on moustache, because what's more iconically Hollywood than Charlie Chaplin? Every other boy went as either Rambo or Indiana Jones… It was not a good night.

To be fair, he does seem fairly self aware about his being a jerk and is trying to improve. But still, y'know, he's a jerk.

Makes sense. These camps have been a thing that fascinated me since I was a kid because they're just not a thing here, but there's so many shows & movies about them. I guess given that U.S. students take the entire summer off you'd want to place the little brats somewhere supervised during the day, at least for a

I was just thinking the same thing, but I suspect it's still terrible.

*Diana gives him two days before heading off to Eden and hooking up with Hzz.*

Really… 8%? I assumed it was more. So do most Americans really tend to live in dorms throughout college? Also, do most American kids really go to summer camp? Or is that just an upper-middle-class thing that gets fed to us as normal by pop culture?

According to Maron they've made amends, which is nice I guess but I would so love to hear them go at each other like that again. It was glorious.

Ahem… Barry Manilow.

"I can't be wealthy. I've got hardly any money after I spend all my money."

And the Brian Adams song. And peak Christian Slater.

You mean like Regan MacNeil? Very possibly.

Oh that all happened years ago when the church's co-founder and pastor was found to be a serial pederast. His son, the current pastor, swiftly swept all that under the rug and just pretends his father was never that involved anyway.

These theories all tend to rely on these groups - aliens, governments, military, whatever - being a hell of a lot more organised and capable than evidence would show. Groups just tend to muddle along with the resources at their disposal.

"Goddamnit, this is a dark fucking period!"

I work at a theatre that sometimes hosts awful tribute bands and you'll be pleased to know that next month's Beatles tribute act has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales. God damned ABBA tickets are flying out the door though…

Pretty sure that makes you the bestest uncle.

The one that had sex with a city.