Rosy Fingers


That whole "turnabout is fair play" approach to objectification is so third-wave feminism. Get with the times, Lena. God, she's such a Carrie.

Here's my rubric; as an alcoholic I've had to think this through. If, say, the other person is unconscious or drunk enough (falling over, really slurring words, unsteady on feet, not able to follow conversations), and you're not that far gone, just don't. Maybe tuck them in and leave them a note. Go home and jerk off.

An American hero.

Aww, that poor kid. He was just trying to reconcile his self-identity with his love for his conservative adoptive parents and hometown. I felt for him. Remember his entire stance was built on, "well, of the Republican candidates, Trump's the one who hasn't explicitly maligned the gays…"

That's New Wave Dave. And he's incredibly 80's, thank you very much.

People here seem to love shitting on Lennon. It's disheartening 'cos he was clearly a fellow who was at least trying to do better his whole life, which is more than many. It's nice that he seemed a lot of the way there by the time he died.

I… I did. It was life sized and all. I'm so sorry.

I'll say, The 3D's, The Clean and, um, Dragon? Oh, and Scribe. Also The Verlaines.

It's "good vibrations from a pelican," isn't it?

Well, if they're like me, they loved the band as a teenager and now have no interest in ever listening again. Maybe are also a little embarrassed by the whole thing so tend to go out of their way to make fun. Kinda the same thing as with The Doors.

"There is nothing like dream to create the future. Utopia to-day, flesh and blood tomorrow." - Victor Hugo

I do. I bear the standard. Because I don't rape people and I don't justify people who rape people because the victim was supposedly promiscuous. Also, you're a jerk.

One of them has a Superman tattoo.

I saw a hedgehog on Saturday.

About six months ago I finally realised that Matchbox 20 and Maroon 5 are not the same band. I was like, man, that Santana-singing guy has really managed to stick around.

Just that Butterfly Wings song, really. What can I say? It's still good.

There's actually a really good ten song album hidden in that 2-hour+ mess she created with the Flaming Lips.

Having just cleaned up my library:

I… have not, no. But that might just be enough to switch my rankings.