Rosy Fingers

What? Densmore's the best Door.

Alright, Mr Joel. Calm down. Nobody's asking for an updated We Didn't Start The Fire.

Bidding war!

I very much doubt that Cartwright actually reads the entire script these days. If Scientology mockery wasn't explicit in Bart's lines, the subtext probably slipped right by her.

I'm really relieved to see that this is what Farrier's been up to. He presents my favourite news show here in New Zealand and he just disappeared off the air about nine months ago. Glad to see it's for this good reason. Now get back to work, Farrier!

Just fill it with cement. Problem solved. If you can hear Colin Hanks' voice it's not really bottomless.

Our eleven year old recently enjoyed Raising Arizona and Oh Brother, Where Art Thou a lot. And Moonrise Kingdom too, so we're going to take him through a lot of the Wes Anderson movies. The Blues Brothers is great if you don't mind a bit of saucy language. Note that these are all heightened reality movies, so they're

Ewwww. a) is correct, but b) is just … ewwww.

… and then dance the Frug to 'My Humps'.

Choose Life!

Deep cut. Very well done.

Wait, you're badmouthing Phil Collins? Isn't your avatar one of his album covers?

"San Dimas High School football rules!"

Swindon? I bet that goes over great in Gillingham!

Like this.

My sister once told me about the "too" situation that women face. As in, no matter how you might tend, personality wise, some guy will tell you you're "too" something. It's definitely a thing I've noticed since and it's definitely not a thing guys have to deal with regularly. Just a subtle way of putting chicks in

I'm very sorry about your partner's death and I hope you have good people around you. The whole social media thing is weird because you remember things they say but you can SEE the things they write before they leave. It's the everyday things that hit the hardest.

John's too soft - go with Jack.

It's absurd. J.M. Barrie already wrote Peter's origin story over a century ago. He's a naked infant baby who hangs around Kensington Gardens thinking he's a bird (because I think all infants start out as birds?) until the real birds tell him to scram because he's too human. Then he goes home but his mother has a new

Full of machismo? Pretty proud, I'd guess.