Rosy Fingers

I love this comment.

By "unflinching" I'm pretty sure they mean "shameless."

Eh. I laughed.

"Gallically abled"

That kind of turn of the century, Party of Five, Buffyish movie is my kind of thing, plus I love Josie and the Pussycats, so I'm gonna say yes.

She's All That was on TV last night and "Kiss Me" recurred in that film multiple times. It was a motif!

But, seriously, how's the serenity?

Yup. It's a good one.

Yep, it was actually really fun as I recall. Mostly because the meeting with Nixon was just the climax to one of Presley's lost weekends of stupidity - flying back and forth across the country to avoid unpleasant arguments about money with Priscilla and his manager.

Well here's as good a place as any.