
“...but that means courting the professional users, something that they seem to want to avoid.”

While people sometimes give Marvel a bit too much credit in the sense that this whole shared universe thing was not exactly planned from the get-go, but rather developed gradually after their early success with Iron Man, there is not getting around the fact that DC’s lack of a clue of what they were going to do has

Did you see the “tests” done here? The Optane is not much faster. Also, they should have tested it against a 960 EVO. That uses the PCIe bus as opposed to using the much slower SATA.

Ah yes, the Enterprise. For me, it will always be the Enterprise-D as she was the first Enterprise I knew.

Don’t share that blue rare steak with the dog, no matter how it looks at you!

Pfft, Vlad would’ve crushed that one for a stand-up double.

Stanced Toyota RAV3

Uh do you get paid? That’s what “pro” means, it doesn’t mean you or someone else thinks you’re good at it. I certainly get paid to be a Chef and with all my experience I can tell you that in a professional setting, pasta would never be cooked that way by anyone respectable. So so many things wrong with your technique.

Looks like she shopped at the same wig store as flashback Oliver Queen.