
Windows display scaling works pretty well, only a few apps come out looking funky

Silly miners, you could all just start programming on the clicky board in front of the magic window.

Since Yoda’s species is never really expanded on, and taking what we know about Yoda and the Child into consideration, it’s possible for them to have a very sharp maturity spurt at some point between 50 and 100 years old, and have an aging plateau of sorts for hundreds of years after that, and sharply age at 900-1000

17k for something that's cobbled together?  No thanks, there are way too many things going on with this project that would make me scratch my head at even half that price.

MLB gotta get their sh!t together. You have fully grown professionals that aren’t getting 100 pitches in a start, and they got this 19 year old kid throwing 131 pitches in a dominant start.

You’re 100% right, but it doesn’t matter the reason, its NOT ok to be switching out food. Whatever reason someone has for abstaining from a certain food, or whether they just want to have something different, switching an ingredient is wrong.

In a close game, bunt away, winning beats the "unwritten rules".  But if your team is down by a lot, trying to bunt to break up a no hitter is just douchey.

It would have been awesome to have a scene where Wolverine had to face Jean as Dark Phoenix and overcome all his emotion and love for her and kill her in order to save everyone......

Calling it sexual harassment is a bit much too.

Underrating their engines makes it seem as if their “German engineering” is working some sort of magic to get their 335hp cars outrunning cars with a lot more horsepower on paper.

Quick Google search for B6 VW Passat lowering springs comes up with a $229 option, so unless he spent almost $3,600 to get them installed (which would prove his stupidity anyway) or he’s exaggerating the entire thing.

The directors and writers need to stop adding story to this movie.  Just let it be.  It seems anyone that has worked on a Marvel Movie has gotten a say in the evolving story adding on to Infinity War/Endgame, and it's getting confusing.

Exactly what I was thinking.  Adding 2-3% to cover the cost of the CC fees is one thing, but 4% means that they are actually profiting off CC users easy just shady business.

You're basing your observation on what equates to the base engine of a 4200lb SUV, not much of a standard bearer there.

Because no one in America buys stupid, small SUVs instead of cars?

Or the eventual owner locks it away for 30 years

Are you the ex?

Like an escort?

The wording of their car policy leaves a lot of leeway in the interpretation. “Heavily dented” isn’t very specific. If you’re driving a 30 year old beater with rusted panels it’s one thing. But a late model car with a ding or dent is not something that is detrimental to the appearance of a property.

When you are describing a display then the accepted format is W x H, 4:3, 16:9