
Not every car needs 840hp.  Believe it or not, plenty of fun, amazing cars exist that aren't that high on horsepower.

I love my dog as much as anybody, but I don't need to bring her everywhere with me.  And allowing one dog in or around their seating area would mean a free-for-all of dog owners bringing their pups.

Its hard to compare the original hand drawn character to the new cgi version. The effects, lighting and design are all different. And having the group of princesses in just a few minutes of the movie means that most of the designs will be a copy and paste with tweaks to individualize them. It’s a bit of a reach to say

I pour metal shavings in my friends' engines all the time, we laugh over drinks afterwards.

Absolutely right, crossing the line instantly alienates you from all those that are picketing.  The umpires were trying to get a better contract as was their right, MLB tried to break the union hiring scabs, he should never have had a job, period.

I don’t mind the setup, but it’s priced too high for someone's side project.

So GM builds an SUV cheaply in China, already has huge volume out of it there, and can't afford the tariff even though it's sold for over $40k over here?

Because without due process, you can't prove that the camera is wrong, and the city doesn't have to prove the camera is right.  They have a city technician sign off that the speed camera is operating correctly and mail you a ticket.  You have little time to learn about speed cameras, fire off freedom of information

Pretty much any cab I see has a disclaimer stating you may be recorded or photographed inside, and I wouldn’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy in someone else's car.

Note to self: don't hold internet contest for naming something if you won't follow through.  It's the internet, expect the ridiculous.

You can’t bite your toenails with your teeth.”

Everyone blaming the woman here, but seriously it was just a rental to her, it wasn't her regular ride for years or anything. But who leaves their car unlocked in a parking lot with the keys in it?

Its more than a bit offensive to compare a MAGA hat to the symbol flown while 6 million Jewish men, women, and children were being executed.

He's definitely entertaining, but damn, he is batshit crazy.

With Rousey and Jax being new, I’d imagine everything is pretty much laid out start to finish. Veteran talent would probably have a framework and fill in the blanks. WWE is run so tightly now, it needs to be very thoroughly scripted, start to finish.

Oh boy, Musk is going to go on an epic Twitter rant any minute now

Its not a really upstanding thing for a dealer to do, but the buyer is on the hook on this one, too. To really believe that the vehicle you drove in with has no value whatsoever, pretty much leaves me wondering how badly they got screwed on the purchase price of the new car as well.

Hopefully the specs in your reviews are wrong, but you have this Buick weighing in over 4200lbs, and in the TourX review, it comes in at 3700lbs. Just wondering if that’s a legit 500lb difference between the Regal wagon and hatchback models.

That first repair bill is going to be a doozy

Fne print in the Car by Volvo terms do state that Liberty Mutual has to approve of the subscribers.