
This is literally the EXACT THING that WOULD NOT BE ENFORCABLE if net neutrality rules were overturned. Again, this is the biggest misconception about net neutrality: it has been the standard for how the FCC has overseen the internet since its inception. What they’re trying to do NOW is make it so that the FCC CANNOT

This is idiotic. The reversal on net neutrality SPECIFICALLY ALLOWS ISPS TO DO THE THINGS OUTLINED ABOVE. It’s totally fair to talk about those things! You’re literally making up controversial things that haven’t been proposed or freed up by anybody to try to make a fake comparison.

Um, all of the responses calling you out are assuming YOU ARE being sarcastic. In this case, the government actually IS protecting the consumer from being abused by their ISPs.

What a bullshit argument. If the FCC were regulating technology it would be one thing, but net neutrality is explicitly about keeping internet access best-effort across the board. It’s about keeping a fair and level playing field for online content providers, and preventing ISPs from railroading their customers to

Here’s the thing: net neutrality has been around since the internet’s inception. The FCC had been enforcing it and stopping ISPs from abusing their powers. The environment that you have experienced and appreciated all this time has been BECAUSE OF the net neutrality standard.

However, in 2014, Verizon sued and a court

Again, $150+ for a slightly-improved version of a game I already have, plus 65 songs. Not a lot of benefit for a pretty high cost.

I’d be missing drums and a guitar. I like playing RB as a party game, so having all of the instruments is kind of key.

Wait, nevermind. That adapter isn’t for the original instruments. So it would still cost me another $150+ for the Rock Band 4 band box (which I’d need, since only my guitar currently works). For 65 new songs, that’s not a great deal.

Ah, I didn’t know that a wired adapter existed (I don’t think it did in 2016). That makes it a lot more appealing.

I get that the new instruments are better (and I prefer my GH3 guitar immensely to the RB ones). But that’s still at least another $100 for me just to play a game I essentially already have, so RB4 a pass.

It is funny that the only instrument I own (outside of the microphone) that WOULD work for Rock Band 4 is my Guitar Hero 3 guitar. You’d think they would have supported their own peripherals, but they didn’t.

I remember for a while when it launched, RB4 didn’t allow you to import songs from one of the earlier games (3, I think), as well as certain DLC songs, and the setlist altogether would have been weaker than what I had on RB3. I think they fixed some of the backwards compatibility, but it still won’t accept any wired

The Room, Miami Connection, and Birdemic are three all-time classic bad movies that have emerged this century. They’re all incredibly sincere and unintentionally hilarious. The Room can be hard to watch multiple times, though, while I feel like I could sit down for Miami Connection or Birdemic anytime.

That message pretty accurately sums up Eastbound & Down too, and you should definitely watch it (or at least the first two seasons).

That message pretty accurately sums up Eastbound & Down too, and you should definitely watch it (or at least the first two seasons).

FWIW (and it’s REALLY not worth much), the initial Times article mentions that he apologized to the women privately in 2015.

This is one of my favorite things about the Japanese Silent Hill games. The cultural/language barriers add an eerieness to them that don’t exist in the American games. Plus, it’s filtering a slew of foreign horror influences from America and Europe through a Japanese sensibility, which makes for something really

You don’t get to keep the book you check out or the movie you borrow indefinitely, like you can with a pirated game. Also, you can check out games from libraries and borrow them from friends, so if piracy is just like borrowing or checking out a copy, then can’t you just do that instead?

There’s nothing technically illegal about it, though. It’s just shitty.

By placing people in maps where their purchased weapons are most useful, though, they’re making sure that people who pay for premium weapons are going to excel more in the game than people who don’t. On average, people who don’t pay will be matched online in a less advantageous way than those who give in to