Rosie Posey

As a military brat, I couldn’t agree with you more.

“I wish it would all just go away,” said Kathie Lee clueless white people.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is white privilege in a nutshell.

I hate that she has to go through what I deal with every fucking day, but at the same time I’m glad that there’s at least one high-profile person who can speak directly about what it’s like. Maybe now we can make some progress on fibromyalgia treatment, instead of being told by doctors “Sorry, but there’s nothing more


I am wishing you luck. on a benign diagnosis. My parents fell into the subsidy circle of hell. So, I get it.

*good vibes your way*

I saw this a while ago, but am always ready to watch it again. I know he may not be for everyone, but I love john Oliver.

Oh it ain’t no thing [brushes shoulder off]

Hell yes!!

Mother of a 10 lb 10 oz baby! We are Warriors!!

I agree with this sentiment. I really wanted a home birth since I had a smooth epidural-free birth for my first one but they are illegal in my state and my OBGYN wouldn’t go for it. I figured later in my pregnancy, I’d switch to a midwife, however, my OBGYN was amazing. She was so calm and patient and caring and gave

I once made a battery out of a potato for a science project. Kilmeade could never hope to generate that much electrical activity.

IMHO, John McCain wanted to know how any Clinton investigation could be over if the investigation didn’t find any reason to bring charges against Hillary. This is what decades of watching Fox News will do to one’s mind: if the investigation doesn’t find something it doesn’t mean the party did nothing wrong, it means

I was on a jury that convicted on a felony obstruction charge. We convicted the defendant on believable and compelling testimony and evidence. The testimony and evidence we had available, though, pales in comparison to what came out in Comey’s testimony.

At one point it seemed like he thought both Clinton and Trump were being investigated for colluding with Russia and it wasn’t fair that Clinton got off without charges.

Anyone interested in the UK general tomorrow, go Google “Theresa May holding a baby” before it disappears.

i am exactly that big (if not bigger) now, and i’m only digesting a bagel.