If he’s giving the Russians quid pro quo for the money (like, say, weakening NATO to please Putin) then he’s an agent whether his foggy brain acknowledges the fact or not.
If he’s giving the Russians quid pro quo for the money (like, say, weakening NATO to please Putin) then he’s an agent whether his foggy brain acknowledges the fact or not.
Imma let you finish, Al, but Craig Mazin is the greatest Ted Cruz hater of all time! ALL TIME!
Do I expect a purple state Democrat to show up to a senior center and get bellowed at for 2 hours before fielding her third question?
“Il Douche-ay!”
I hate this idea that parents always know what’s best- just because your a parent doesn’t make you an expert on education or healthcare. The same argument comes into vaccination discussions too. Experts and researchers sometimes know more than you, parents!
Single Prayer Healthcare.
Does this mean Putin went to Jared, too? I love it.
Based on this guy’s INSANE overreaction and creepy AF efforts to track her down to get his money back, my guess is the date had already been going horribly and she was looking for a way out. I can’t believe there are responses on this thread saying they’re equally shitty people. She texted in a movie; he is contacting…
Oh well. Easy Comey, easy go.
CNN reports that Edwards’s attorneys are also arguing that Balch Springs should have terminated Oliver long ago, and it was a failure of the department that he remained a police officer “despite his conduct and multiple violations of departmental policies.” Those violations include at least one instance of pulling a…
I totally agree, I have one of my mom’s old bags, like seriously 30 years old and still looks great. I maybe destroyed one of her coach bags in the very early 90s because I might have scratched my name in it on a shopping trip to Home Depot when I was stuck in the cart and so so bored. SORRY MOM, I WAS LIKE 4. I think…
🎶 Just another dick and a wall 🎶
O_o I hope this is some form of sarcasm. Otherwise fuck you. My bowel cancer at 39 was due to a genetic risk, not lifestyle (I didn’t eat red meat for 10 years and was vegetarian for 2). Luckily I live in the U.K. now and the NHS saved my life for £16 out of pocket.
Yup. We’re gonna have that from time to time (sorry), but that’s all we’re ever gonna get from this fucking potato patch.
Such a brave brave man, that Donald Trump.
Say anything wise?