Rosie Posey

There aren’t many times I’m grateful that my dad died, but the Trump candidacy is that time. He would have voted for the Cheetolini and then rubbed my face in it every chance he’d get (He probably would have supported Cruz in the primaries).

As Bill Maher said, “I’d give $1M to have Mitt as president right now.”

my favorite word in the whole world is “Frisson” (a French word naturally) which is that goose-bumpy feeling you get when you’re excited and this video is all of that, including the clueless Trump parts which make me laugh so hard! (and I love Macron more)

My dad, born in 1942, would have liked the new Doctor Who. But he also would have probably voted for Trump. UGH.

I also read that McCain’s blood clot was found, thanks to a routine annual physical, which was added as a standard of care in the ACA.

Teens are also using more long term contraceptives like the IUD and implant. I’d have been all over the IUD as a teen/young adult because the pill makes me suicidal, but they weren’t really offered or available as much and my doctor certainly never offered it as an option 20+ years ago.

I saw in some of my Indivisible groups that (I think) the secretary of state for WA was going to send the details requested. Maybe the flood of calls and emails changed her mind.

See: Robert Downey Jr.

My mom too, thank god. I shudder to think of what my dad would be doing - he was a Glen-Beck-loving-Fox-News-watching Republican (who died before he could vote for Romney). I’d like to hope he would be against all of this, but a part of me believes he’d be a Trump supporter.

In my case, pitocin was required because my waters had been broken for 12 hours with no signs of labor. Water breaking means bacteria can enter the uterus and cause infection so there really is a legitimate reason to get shit going as fast as possible. The alternative was a c-section. And I had pitocin with my third

<raises hands> Member of the 10lb club too!

And when the Amazon streaming app is available for Apple TV, I’m going to switch my subscription to Amazon.

If you would like to send Savannah a note of encouragement, here are the details:

I’m an ex-Mo too and you’re right - it’s so hard. My mom is still super devote and 50% of the time, she’s critical of my choice or she makes snide comments. Like last night, she said “Here’s some treats you can use for Family Home Evening” knowing full well that my kids have swim team every night (and that we’ve NEVER

One of the outcomes of that DOJ investigation was civilian oversight boards, so maybe that will help in this situation and find that the police were out of line.

And yet, Seattle is what I call “Progressively Racist” - see they vote all the progressive ways, and then they privately email the schools their children attend and bitch about teachers allowed to wear “Black Lives Matter” shirts and teachers having a dialog about racism:

And today it’s come out that in his little Russian-leak-athon, he shared with Russia that Israel had hacked ISIS computers and that’s how they’d determined the method ISIS would use to detonate laptops on board. I just can’t even with this shit anymore.

This whole exchange reminded me of one thing: consent. It is the embodiment of consent between adults in a physical interaction.

IF they exist and he destroys the evidence, it’s that even more obstruction?

That is just fucking depressing. I’ve never been to Wisconsin and even I know you can’t get there without “CON” and “SIN” (something Paul Ryan apparently knows all about.)