Rosie Posey

I can empathize! Posey#2 gave me Kate Middleton-esque suckness and I lived on Coca-Cola. Fortunately, Posey#3 was an easy pregnancy! Hopefully, it mellows out soon! 

If he were an agent of Russia, he literally would not be able to shut up about it if he were. He would have tweeted it eleventy billion times already because that’s how he rolls. He cannot keep anything secret.

Congratulations! Hope everything goes as swimmingly as Amal’s seemed to go!

That’s how I took it too.

There’s a whole bunch of different “oxy” meds that include percocet and percodan, which is fairly standard post-op pain medication. It comes as low as 2.5mg per tablet, but 5mg is standard post-op. Not all pain meds work for all people but it also doesn’t mean he’s going to become an addict either.

I think a lot of people look at the left/right spectrum as a 180 degree line and that if you’re alt-right or alt-left, you’re on either end. I think it’s actually a little more a circle and the alt-right/alt-left actually exist in the same spectrum of the bottom half of the circle. They aren’t saying the exact same

And my dad went by a nickname, originating from his middle. His first name was the same as my grandfather and his middle was Leroy and he went by Roy his whole life - even my aunts and uncles called him that. Most people in my parents’ circle of friends didn’t know him by anything else.

She wasn’t under any obligation to do the film. She could have read the script and said, “Nah, I’ll pass.” and she didn’t. So she bears some responsibility for the horribleness, even if she’s not solely responsible.

Doesn’t the back of the ticket or somewhere in the purchase process say they reserve the right to deny service? That’s fairly standard T&C’s...

How about this encounter in Monterey Bay? I would have shit myself, then died of a heart attack

(Hint, it’s 67 for the senate - it requires an absolute 2/3 majority vote, which is how Bill Clinton evaded formal impeachment. While the house voted to impeach, they didn’t have the votes in the senate.)

I just got home from my therapist - YAY THERAPY. She’s the first therapist to “get me” too and it’s been an invaluable experience. I actually bought this book yesterday, read the first chapter today while waiting for my appointment, and then started crying in the waiting room. However, it was a good session because we

And when our allies stop giving us intel, it opens us up to attacks.

My first exposure to them was SNL and the first song was only two lines, repeated ad infinitum, and I got so bored. Also, the bass player kept making these weird faces and internally I was screaming “STAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHP IT!”

My first exposure to them was SNL and the first song was only two lines, repeated ad infinitum, and I got so bored. Also, the bass player kept making these weird faces and internally I was screaming “STAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHP IT!”

This topic comes up frequently in my knitting groups and the lawyers have chimed in that you don’t need permission and a pattern designer cannot demand that you not sell items either. This is US policy and other countries have different rules.


That’s interesting, because pattern sharing of purchased patterns, in the knitting/crochet community, is a HUGE NO-NO, but selling items made from a purchased pattern is legal.

It’s like the ultimate form of control, isn’t it? Doing some drastic thing that is supposed to invoke feelings of guilt and pity so we’ll go back. (Or maybe that’s just my ex.)

My ex tried this while we were separating and also told our young childern (4 and 6) that he was going and would never see them again. He also spewed shit about wanting to die of suicide by cop and tried to use that to stop me from calling the cops. I called the cops anyway and they took him away for a mental eval.