
Thanx for doing the bare minimum, Laserface. I don’t mean that sarcastically, thank you for speaking up. 

You know for once in these comment sections could we not have some white assholes talking over PoC when it comes to colorism among their community and shouting “Teh Left is Canibalizing Itself!!!!?!!!” when the topic of colorism is even brought up? It’s not a new discussion, it’s just a discussion that’s becoming more

They saved it for the insurrection.

She’s absolutely not Cuban. She’s Puerto Rican.

We can’t even get ours to wear masks. :op

Claiming all men and all women have one single “natural inclination” shows you are unfit to analyze this show...and your backwards ass likely wishes Gilead was real and that you lived there. Go away, ugh.

Gilead doesn’t not work because of “natural inclinations” (LOL) , it doesn’t work because they appear to have abandoned technological capitalism  entirely and replaced it with role play feudalism. There’s nothing to offer even the higher ranking people in Gilead; does nobody miss fast food, baseball games, sweatpants?

Can anyone clarify — I thought Luke’s horror at June was just personal disappointment that she murdered someone, but the way she said “Just give me five minutes” and then repeated to Nichole how she loves her made me think she’s going to be arrested for this? Was the irony that she traded her own freedom for

Its embarrassing that we have developed the means to completely eradicate the virus, and yet we are unable to do so because millions refuse to be vaccinated. The virus will just continue to mutate and new variants will be transferred among the unvaccinated population for who knows how many years

That was insane. And amazing. And probably strains the credulity of the story right to the limit, but whatever. Worth it. That was one of the most cathartic character deaths I’ve ever seen. And anyway, I honestly find the fact that they ripped him apart with their bare hands to be far less disturbing than the fact

That’s when I’d just put the tomatoes on the side and let them figure it out.

I’ve rationalized that June knew that prying a handmaid away from Aunt Lydia would be a lot harder than freeing a bunch of ex-Marthas who were probably officially non-persons at that point anyway, but yeah it would have been nice if she’d at least been mentioned.

“It wasn’t worth it, for all the consequences suffered by its participants, who were too young and naive to know the havoc they were wreaking on their minds and bodies, and for nothing.”

SIDEBAR: God I wish kinja didn’t suck and I could respond to *good* gray comments.

How does he “master” fatherhood with a C grade?

Somewhat off-topic, but does this approach apply to those working on Kinja? 

Valid criticism isn’t “tearing people down.” Jesus.

Yup. After the potentially fatal car crash, he allegedly left his friends, a husband and wife, in the vehicle and was transported to his house by his people. He keeps giving further insight into his (lack) of character.

Rita, Rita, Rita, this is not the way to go off into the sunset.

This sucks. And hurts. My father loved Clapton. Worshiped at his alter of guitar playing to the point of handcrafting his own amp to duplicate the amp Clapton used on the legendary John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers album. Owned multiple Strats, of course. Could play pretty much any Clapton solo note for note.