
I love it. It’s the same shoot for the stars ambition that makes Kanye come up with something like this that also makes him think he can meet with Trump and actually make a difference in changing that man’s mind about anything. Well, at least he can succeed musically.

Has CBS considered not making a show that’s either a police procedural or a legal drama?

Gender identity is different from other decisions that young people make. Given that many trans youth commit/attempt suicide because they are prevented from expressing their identity, I would think that it’s healthier to let them decide.

I’m one of the 200K that dropped Uber for Lyft over the whole Trump thing (and also the sexism) and man, Lyft’s quality of driver and vehicle is so far beneath Uber it’s not even funny.

My (former) taxi company is a 70 year old, driver owned co-op. Are you employing that our business model wasn’t inherently more fair to our drivers?

Your writing ability is excellent, but your knowledge of business and law are lacking.

Stone-faced stick models clomping up and down runways wearing outfits no woman in her right mind would be caught wearing.... The point of these exercises in meh-creativity is what exactly?

“Buy Ivanka’s stuuuuuuuuuuff”

Clutch your pearls any harder and you might finally achieve orgasm.

Now now, it isn’t called an assassination of the President. It is a, lets see if I remember this correct... Oh Yeah, it is “A 2nd Amendment Solution”. That is what the right called it last year, when there is a call to waste the President.

What a strange (yet compelling) episode of Black Mirror this is turning out to be.

Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

This falls well within the universe of what happens on Asian variety shows. Not the death part, but everything else.

How can he get a grip with those tiny fingers?

How can he get a grip with those tiny fingers?

I don’t know what’s political about that other than the position of the person referenced. But I’m sure Shep apologizes and will include a trigger warning for you next time.

I don’t know what’s political about that other than the position of the person referenced. But I’m sure Shep


So if he stays in the USA he supports slavery? 🤔

“Their government, not their people, is very low key anti american” 

Trick question. Racism never existed!

That is such a naive statement.