
But how do you feel about Gillian Jacobs?

Come on. It’s a fashion magazine. They’re all for diversity but they still want their models to be pretty.

Or, maybe you’re mad at everything.

I guess free speech really is dead.

Talked to my kids about this on Friday. We are a pretty non-violent family - we yell. I don’t think my kids have ever even hit each other. I said it was just fine to sucker punch a Nazi.

Hi! Go fuck yourself!!

Yes because talking to Nazis in the 20s and 30s really convinced them of the errors or flaws in their argument.

If you think Bernie would have won the general election you are out of your goddamn mind.

Shia didn’t punch a Nazi because of a disagreement about “press relationship” and “government social media”. He punched a Nazi because a Nazi advocates genocide. You’re wrong and your argument is bad.

Which place was paraphrased in a way that makes it plagiarism, rather than common populist ideology?

Not being pedantic, I’m being pragmatic.

Thank you for saying this. This is just so stupid and not even funny.

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

I hear that in the case of a illegitimate president, the electorate has a way of shutting the whole thing down.

Um...the list of normal things parents do with/to their children (and against their children’s will) that would be considered assault if you did it to an adult is pretty long. I mean, I had to force my 10-year old son to brush his teeth the other day. If I had done that to an unwilling grown-up or to somebody else’s

If all of these individuals, including Obama himself, are concerned about allowing unapproved/untested pharmaceuticals to flood our market, perhaps the issue is worth further examination.

You do realize that most people who work for big pharma are just middle class people right.

Is doing what’s best for your constituents “selling out”.

I disagree with the vote. But the people Booker represents NJ, have an economy pretty dependent on pharmaceutical companies.

Because pharma!!! Wall Street!!! MONEY!! BERNIE WOULD HAVE WON!!!

This type of reporting is just downright irresponsible.