
What in the fuck kind of parent, of any culture, says it's ok to mutilate their child. God damn it this is sickening.

Because deep down the networks don't care. They want ratings. They want red meat. They don't share your concerns until advertisers boycott. And advertisers don't boycott until it's prudent. 

I would be down for a Wailers album featuring Rihanna on vocals.

The man committed open treason every fucking day this week. Why are they still defending him? What are they doing?!

Her, now ex, husband also embezzled a shit ton of money which she not only knew about but used to fund her political career and then do some massive and unnecessary remodels to her office. I urge people to look up some of the articles from her divorce.

Pirro is a Mafia hanger on from way back.

She was, and then she got fired. But she's a Serena Joy in training so I'm not surprised.

Holy shit. I just wrote on the other article about the woman with herpes on her chest that I have hidradenitis suppurativa that went undiagnosed for 10 years and didn’t know anyone else with it until this past year. And 3 minutes later this article with videos of a woman with it appears. HS visibility!! We need more

Do you think Lindy West will come back to Jezebel and review this movie? Her Garden State movie review was a thing of beauty. I need to see her talents applied to this shit show!

I just watched all of these! Amazing! And, wow, everyone hates Madonna, or Madonna hates everyone. 

Off to watch. Thanks for the recommendation!

Literally every body paint artist I’ve ever met fits this description.

Thanks for this. The irony that an internet comment could produce a much more realistic portrait of her finances than the diary entry that provided the info to do so is probably the clearest indication that they failed in their mission

And what the fuck is up with that message?? Happy Birthday Ma’am?! 

Just crunching the numbers, this woman has a gross income of at least $82,500.

The guy looks like he runs PUA seminars in the off season.

Isn’t this just a ploy to have women at the beach practically naked for men to drool at? Reminds me of the so-called challenges on Twitter, Instagram and such, where girls have to prove they can stick a pen under their boobs or a toblerone through their thigh gap. In the end it just generats lots of “sexy” pictures

I don’t think anyone has to worry about removal hurting since the woman in the header appears to have no hair follicles or pores to speak of below her eyebrows. Shes CGI smooth.

Swimsuit models aren’t allowed to have labia. They always photoshop out the bulge.

Screw tape, or swimsuits for that matter! Nothing you wear in the water is truly practical, comfortable, or makes you look better than you do in your birthday suit. Human animals were designed to swim nude. Rather than letting some douchey dude slap censorship tape over our lady bits, let’s truly embrace our bodies