
Think about it this way: if Curry can make at least 34/50 from 3 (which he certainly can), he scores more points than 50 wide open layups.

No. And he considers it a funny story, at least. But their apology did not help.

You’re not wrong.

My favorite story about European racism: a black American friend of mine was in Amsterdam on vacation, and he got really drunk one night and fell asleep on the sidewalk. He awoke to three Dutch guys attacking him. He got up and yelled at them in English, and they immediately stopped. They apologized, telling him they

Because those attacks are in defense of us.*

As someone whose introduction to Quebec was moving there in the middle of the Bouchard-Taylor commission, I don’t know that you can make that distinction between pro-Quebecois xenophobia and racism.

That’s my point. I’m agnostic on whether rugby or football is more dangerous, but, to use your analogy, in a demolition derby, a guy in the ‘55 Chevy is going to be more worried about his own safety than a guy in the 2015 Chevy, and therefore adjust his own actions.

Well, the flipside of that is lesser head protection means more danger for both the player receiving the tackle and the one making it. No one leads with their head in rugby.

Troy Aikman would be insulted if he knew what any of those words meant/still had basic verbal capacity.

It’s that there are three teams in New York (a sports-loving city that only has two teams for other sports), and the Islanders have 1) the smallest natural fan base and 2) the worst geographic position. Moving to Brooklyn was an attempt to address both problems, but it’s not something that would change quickly.

Yeah. He earned himself a lot of unnecessary shots from outside the box that sail ten feet over the crossbar (aka the Michael Bradley special) with that.

Absolutely. I also find it interesting how the NBA is becoming (at least vocally) more liberal, in stark contrast to baseball and the NFL. 

As a boy with Ivy League advanced degrees, I can honestly say that slamming into your friends like apes on the playground was really fucking fun.

Is your friend named Ivanka by any chance?

I would add all the people who defended Trump saying he wasn’t serious about the ban, that it was all bluster.

“I was just here for the lower taxes! Now I’m here for the white supremacy, too.”

You’re exactly right. Canadians would never doubt foreigners’ effort or heart.

Because “big government” just means the government doing something you don’t like. It’s like all the people who protest against government interference in Medicare.

You could start by not requiring a player that isn’t even on the active roster to sit out.