
If by “actual connection to the US” you’re talking specifically about youth soccer, then yes. (Though Gedion Zelalem was picked up by Arsenal scouts while playing in Virginia.) But it’s not clear why that should matter. US coaches are charged with improving the NT’s play and the development system, but the latter only

That is the episode I recommend for people who’ve never seen the show. (Followed by the welfare episode.)

Princeton is offended.

Dude, I paid $2000 for a four-bedroom (with a living room too) 100 feet from the subway in the 130s. Harlem is where it’s at.

I think you mean Pegasus. But honestly I think they all have big murals.

Um, she wants to make America great again? Keep up.

Actual conversation that happened between myself, my brother, and my 3-year-old nephew while flipping through a photo album.

Don’t forget Dayton.

And that they would start winning trade with Ogdenville.

That special, post-9/11 magic.

“Sign of humanity. Number 59, defense. 15 yards from the spot of the foul. First down.”

I give you a CBP agent going through the stack of Arabic books in my luggage, a play in one act:

Yes. Apparently very few polls were taken in Wisconsin.

To be fair, he had Clinton’s chances in the 50s only a couple days before the election.

Ditto. I have a habit where watching a movie or TV show when two characters are flirting I declare, “They’re gonna bone.”

The simplest explanation is this: previous coaches have gradually raised the team’s floor, while Klinsmann was hired to raise the team’s ceiling. I think he’s done that, but he’s also been coach for over five years and now two qualifying cycles. For all the high points (the World Cup, Copa America, friendly wins in

A goddamn miracle. (Just kidding. That’s some 1930s Politburo-style shit right there.)

I also suspect he has no idea what “Borscht Belt” means.

A colleague of mine (a US citizen) does research on Lebanese militant movements. He was arrested at the border and his laptop seized after CPB agents found him possessing materials...about Lebanese militants.