
As an American who’s traveled internationally a lot for school and work I have had more inane and stupid interactions with CPB agents than I can count. Xenophobia is rampant among them. I once was questioned for 45 minutes (while coming back from a weekend in Canada, no less) about a trip to the Middle East I’d made

If you can think of a better way to transport a chess set, I’d like to hear it...

I don’t understand what you’re talking about

Now playing

Music. Lots of music. Kendrick. The Coup. I think patriotism is basically stupid bullshit, but one song that always gets me is the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It’s explicitly about fighting against white supremacy for justice, and I think it’s important to remember that that part of America still exists.

Lampoon? I hope you give that scoundrel what-for. The jackanape!

The Free Press has called Michigan for Clinton, fwiw


I just watched it. That is mindblowing.


Except when it emboldens Republicans. The worst thing that could come out of this election (besides a Trump victory) is a Republican party that thinks the problem with this campaign was Trump’s personality. It’s really easy to focus on all the superficially repugnant shit he’s said while ignoring the huge overlap with

Well they abandoned it around late 2003.

What poll is this? (I’m not being skeptical, just looking for reading material.)

You mean besides full-throated racism?


Sure. I’m not saying autoworkers weren’t racist in the 50s. Most people were racist in the 50s! My grandma, who had autoworkers as her father, brother and husband, is still kinda racist. (I assume they all were too, but they died before I was born so I can’t say.) But lots of unions were officially racist, and the UAW

Yeah. The 50s also had a 92% top tax rate. That would be amazing!

It also ignores that some unions actively fought against racism. (I’m thinking specifically of the UAW.) The most racist and exclusionary unions were the brotherhoods of firefighters and police, which today are, well, yeah...

Hamilton’s not going away soon, right? (This is my way of saying I love the political stuff.)

Which is worse to read: Five Thirty Eight or the Ringer?