
I’m sorry, but I can’t see anything but that....thing....sticking up from his codpiece? What exactly is that and what is it for?

False. Just you wait.

I’m probably wrong, but I think we’re seeing the start of the decline of football, from a popularity and participation sport. I used to love to watch football and the big hits, but now I find myself cringing anytime someone gets “lit up” on the field. The human toll on the players is too much to ignore.

Far worse? Hard to get much worse than this complete shit show, let alone far worse.

The Dude is not alone. Middle-aged white guy here, and I love me some Cam Newton.

Good stuff. She needs a bigger audience.

Barf. If for no other reason than I love Seinfeld and feel complete indifference toward Taylor Swift.

Um, what’s the red shirt dude doing around 1:07? Thought for a second he was trying to join in!

Does Stephen A. Smith actually want people to call him Stephen A. for short? Or is that Skip Bayless' preference? Either way, that's some high-level douchebaggery, for sure!

Dude, the score of the game is on the screen....

So much of the NFL's business model seems to be getting more and more shaky. From Goddell's comical handling of player behavior, concussions (player health & safety in general), crazed fan behavior at games, ridiculous cost of attendance, etc. I've felt for a while that the NFL is primed for a fall from grace, but

Well, I know what I'm doing on February 28th!

If you come across something on the internet you don't like, stop reading/watching/listening and move on. The world is full of choices - online and offline. I don't get the hate. Obviously there is some segment of the world that finds this funny and/or appealing. To them I say, go forth and love it. To everyone

Survivor winner? Methinks not. And what makes the AL 5 spots better than the NL? Not that I care, just curious.