
Definitely, PS2 processer can’t handle that much woman.

I see you are a man of culture, as well....

I agree, but she’s a Lithuanian who probably has no idea of what blackface even is.

As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people

Not to mention the fact she’s fucking Lithuanian.  Internet culture really just imposes American mores on the world.  It’s like online imperialism.

Your comment is getting a lot of vitriolic responses, I did not want to contribute to them with my initial response.

Just to play devil’s advocate here - being that she’s from Russia, it’s possible that she doesn’t know what blackface is? It’s primarily an American concept.

By that logic the actress that playing Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy should not be allowed to paint her face green because she is not alien. People need to chill the heck down!

Counterpoint: She wasn’t doing blackface, because Lithuania did not have African slavery or minstrel shows. Blackface is culturally contextual.

Blackface is a clearly wrong for an American where historically blackface was used to show harmful stereotypes. But this is someone from Lithuania. I do not know how this would be seen in that culture and I am not comfortable exporting my cultural norms without understanding this aspect. 

Did you miss the part where she is a Lithuanian streamer?  Blackface comes from American culture.  Have you ever stopped and thought that maybe, just maybe, not everywhere in the world is just like the United States?

What you are saying sounds a lot like western culture in it’s sensitivity towards this topic is superior to Lithuanian culture, and she as a minority there are only 3 million Lithuanians should follow American values/rules?

I agree with your points, however, if she is from Lithuania maybe she was ignorant of how “blackface” is looked upon in American society.

“As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US.”

Judging a Lithuanian who wants to be a black hero by your own convoluted culture doesn’t seem just. And it’s flawed logic to say that it offended some black person somewhere and we shouldn’t offend anyone because it also offended some white supremacist or some religious wackadoo somewhere who thinks it’s disgusting to

yeah but she’s not in the US is she? Russia? somewhere in eastern Europe?

Games aren’t books or movies, Heather. By design, they’re not going to be playable by everybody. That’s too bad, but that’s the nature of the medium.

There are so many games out there, Joshua. This one just isn’t for you, and that’s okay. It doesn’t need to bend over backwards with an easy mode.

This is incredibly asinine. It’s a subscription based MMO - so not only are players dropping $60 on an expansion, but also signing up to play for another two years @ $15 a month. You make it sound like their only options are to a). shut up and cough up the money or b). don’t play the game and move on. But these are

See Iv been under the impression that FFXIV is Square’s piggy bank that they keep breaking into and not filling it back up.