
Yeah the Aqua/Ventus/Terra resolution was incredibly...less satisfying than it should’ve been. It wasn’t terrible, but I really expected they would play a bigger role at the end, and that we’d see a definitive difference between Aqua as a keyblade master and the other fighters.

Uh, most of the fanbase DOES realize it’s messy and flawed. That’s part of the charm to them. The people who take it super-ultra-seriously and think it’s Shakespearean are the vocal minority at best. 

The entire Keyblade Graveyard is poorly paced despite being the best part of the game because stuff actually happens.

I have to agree on this. You also had annoying hallway mini games that were out of place.

The keyblade graveyard and all parts of it just felt kinda rushed.  Here, in this last world, everything happens.  It made such a point also to show Kairi holding it together only for her to get fridged later on.  It was a clusterfuck that soured my experience with the game.

Birth By Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 1/2 had good narratives I think. Having the decision to make the main antagonists of DDD and KH 3 to be Xehanorts was rather dumb and killed a ton of the narrative I think.

And then you get to what looks like a cool area and you think this will be the final dungeon but then its just the final boss fight...

They went too far back too early. The BBS storyline should’ve been the earliest chronological event that we got exposed to until KH3. Now not only did the Aqua/Terra/Ven plotline get pushed to...kind of the side? Sometimes the forefront but not really the forefront? but also they crammed crucial lore into a mobile

I cant get over that a mobile game is the most important lore for Kingdom Hearts going forward. 

I wanted to love FFXV so much. I wanted to play this epic game that we had all been waiting so many years for. I feel like I did get to play an amazing game but I was left wanting more because the plot was so broken. The mainline was there, I guess, but an RPG should not be played in episodes. I shouldn’t have to

Completely agree, the story was so convoluted, more than halfway through the game I still dont really understand the characters motives, or even who they are for that matter. It’s unfortunate because it had such potential to be a really great epic story, everyone loves the story of a prince fighting for his demolished

So basically, releasing a half-baked game where the background information that makes the story even remotely worth your time is found in a sidequest of reading cryptic magazines in-game is how story telling is done these days? Boy have I got a video game to sell you...

In order to keep up with the story in this game,

I played it..

He ain’t wrong.  XV is a train wreck of the highest order.

I’ve played it, and his description is spot on. The game was a near incoherent, tonally inconsistent mess.

Yup. It’s written by the same guy who wrote the stories for X and X-2 and the audio drama from the remasters is apparently set after that shitshow. I personally like to think the story ended after X-2 and everyone lived happily ever after

What, seriously? That’s hilarious!

Seriously, Square Enix with FFXV:

I don’t care at this point, but let’s at least hope it’s not as bad as the FFX-2.5 book, in which Tidus kicks a mine by accident and fucking dies

I said nothing about the quality of the book, pal! I was giving my opinion on the story thus far, which I have played, watched, and been thoroughly disappointed with, as have a couple of other people here and there.

This game is a perfect case study in how not to tell a story in videogames. I still can’t believe how poorly Square Enix handled their flagship title before, during and post-release. Hopefully this book will have an audience, but it just reminds me again of how disjointed and incoherent the core experience is.