
The Royal Edition is like what happens when you take a cake out of the oven too early and try to hide the uncooked bits with loads of saccharine frosting. At first glance it looks alright. It might even look pretty. But go more than an inch into that fucker and you’re going to have a bad time.

The villain is definitely the worst and it pisses me off how he gets a fucking dlc and not any of the other character that they planned sigh

So fuck me for expecting quality from a AAA game with ample development time? Okay. The open world WAS beautiful, but outrageously empty. I spent the whole time hoping there would be bigger cities and towns, more citizens to talk to, more meaningful quests, etc. None of this would have really been a problem if the game

Since his backstory is that the evil spirits inside him have twisted him, it would have worked to give him something akin to a split personality — occasionally his true good self would hold back the demons and help the team. At other times he wouldn’t be able to, and he’d hurt the team.

Right, there are no good sides here. Why would the crystal turn away someone that spent so much of his life saving others? Unless he was actually evil from the start and was doing it for bad reasons. Why did he stop doing good after he was rejected? Was he being corrupted by the scourge then? Why does that make him

Right?! Like, he just killed Luna. Stop asking if you can trust him!

I’m with you, I picked up the PC version and I still feel like the last third of the game is all over the place. I can’t imagine how the initial cut looked.

Yeah if I recall correctly, they treat him like a villain who they don’t trust the entire time, but they also always do whatever he tells them to. That is dumb, lazy writing. 

Yeah, nice try, “Ardyn” I see through your clever clever disguise!

Not many games elicit an emotional response when discussed but FFXV never fails to piss me off. One of the very few times I wanted a refund; that game was broken and incomplete, poorly written, paced, and directed, and felt like a pure asset dump for the second half of the story. Not to mention the 12% on Rotten Tomato

I actually played through XV for the first time a few weeks ago with the Royal Edition and I just gotta say, I can’t imagine how disjointed the story was before all these patches because even with all of the extras in Royal Edition, this story is a complete mess...

Also “one-man costume party” is pretty great.

My audience was the same. I think it was 1/2 “oh shit, him again,” and 1/2 distress at losing Colin Farrell after being reminded how criminally underrated he is as an actor.

I fail to see how the repetitive design had anything to do with the motion controls. Did the motion controls make you return to the same environments three freaking times? Were they the source of the abysmal stealth sections? How about the boring, monotonous boss fight that you have to do four times? If you want to

Honestly, the motion controls on Skyward Sword were pretty much the only thing I liked. They were a little fiddly at times but they were the only interesting part of a pretty bland and repetitive game. If they were optional I would have turned them off from the start and had nothing particularly good to say about the

The other GoW games were like that too. It’s a good game that you buy, you play, and move on. Old school. No months of mediocre DLC, no crap gated off with endless grinding, no online deathmatch (or battle royale), no concerted effort to try to coerce you into continuing to engage with the game so they can sell you

Really enjoyed it as well. I kinda wish they would have gotten to do sequel for this game.

I always felt this game suffered from typical nerd rage of quit changing my stuff. This game was actually pretty darn good.

Don’t buy anything from Luminous Productions, got it. 

That is some truly transcendental word vomit.