
Eh, it was a fine game until the penultimate part of the story. I never really gelled with the combat but it wasn’t bad, just not for me. The world was fun to explore. The summons were the most epic they’ve ever been. I really grew to like everyone except Noctis, who was basically a whiny blank slate but otherwise

I feel like many people use “finished” as a descriptor of quality because it’s easier to attack a game’s story for being unfinished than it is to criticize in greater detail why the story doesn’t work in its released states.

my issue with fighting is that....there was no strategy. it was all hack n slash. and if you had enough energy built up, you could then use the summons. fighting was just too easy.

is it me, or was this one of the easiest FF’s? i rarely used summons. i beat the game at level 53. i didnt get a chance to finish or do a lot more side quests due to not realizing to go back in time with my doge. either way the final fight wasn’t as hard compared to previous ff games. after beating it, i loved

You are probably the only person on the internet that has ever said the ending was “stellar”

Story isn’t finished yet. They have content lined up all they way into 2019. Contrary to Jason’s statement that the game has always been finished, the story has been a complete mess since release and continues to be as such. I’m not sure we’ll ever have the complete FF15. Cutting the first half of the game out into

The story was never and will never be finished. It will forever be a disjointed mess.

Having an ending and being finished aren’t necessarily the same thing.

Schreier, I’m aware that enjoyment of narrative is an entirely subjective thing, so no snark at all—what do you find stellar about the ending?

I’ve made my complaints and concerns with the narrative (and its various holes/the Magic School Bus shit they pulled with Prompto/the Emperor/etc) known at length several times

“but with every new patch, update, and feature, it really feels like anyone who played the game in those first few months got a raw deal”

I think you and a whole lot..lot of people have very different interpretations on the meaning of “finished” and “stellar” lol.


Yeeeeaaah, FFXV is a weird creature. :/

Wait... there’s a time-sensitive quest in the offline, single-player Final Fantasy game I have sitting on my shelf?

Inclined to agree. I really wanted to like XV and there were definitely a lot of things I loved, but in the end it just didn’t come together for me. I’m not sure those flaws could’ve been fixed with DLC and stuff like that...but almost everything they’ve announced for the XV universe and for XV itself has not been

I’m gonna preface this by saying I don’t mind this. I’m not very interested in actually playing it, but it’s a free update.

Honestly I want a FF6 remake in the FF14 graphical style, best part of that is most of the assets are already there.

I agree. it’s way better than XV

Above all else, a shit game.

I know right? At this point it’s almost comical!