
Ironically those “global audiences” are pining for those 90's games.

For what it is worth my saying, the gameplay feels like SOTN or maybe a little bit like Aria. The movement and game feel is largely retained and even in the small section I played (which we should stress is a demo) had a nice mix of combat and platforming.

Jim Cooke, you genius. That illustration is the shit and you deserve more than you are being paid, whatever that amount is.

Women everywhere thank you, RoyeEugene, for explaining things to us that we already understood by virtue of fucking existing as women every day of our lives.

I didn’t say she gave people the right to invade her life but if you are going to play up a certain type of persona you need to be prepared to attract a certain type of person. I’m not saying it’s right but there is a difference bewtween how the world should work and how the world actually works. Not sure how that’s

“I’m gonna say I’m not gonna victim blame, but then I’m gonna proceed to victim blame.”

It doesn’t say “Other M” on it so it’s good enough of a change for me to merit buying this one.


Second this. The first one I noticed high up on a wall. Before I could reach for a newspaper, it flew at me and landed on my shirt.

Roaches can fly, too. First time I encountered it I wasn’t ready.

And this is why I would never, EVER, seriously consider living in New York city.

I just grabbed a snack from the office kitchen. Thanks, I am now no longer hungry.

Yup. The author seems like a twin brother of those Linux guys who seriously cannot understand why anybody is still using Windows (with all the same malware/virus faults). BTW, I disabled Office macro functions years ago, but it’s not an option for everybody.

Evernote as a word processor? It is blatantly terrible at formatting. It’s a step above notepad, I suppose. But honestly not by much. And I say this as a paying subscriber. I would never use it to create full documents.

HAHAHAHAHA google docs having more features? have you even use it? and textedit??? seriously??? that thing is liken notepad! should we stop using word because of a security hole? then we should stop using computers altogether! please turn off your router

Gizmodo does everything for the clicks... it’s in every article title you find on here.

Because there are worse things out there than Microsoft Office. Anyone forced to use IBM Notes knows what I’m talking about.

He doesn’t even give a viable alternative word processor.

Given that this response will be very popular, my question to the author is why are you trying to shame people when they don’t have a choice? Did you not consider that when you decided (were told) to write an article bashing MS Word and the people who use it?