
Me too. Gawker is like the breeding ground for talented writers. There are some at the NYT, at least one at Vanity Fair, and also the New Yorker.

He’ll resign because Trump wants him gone. But of course he won’t face prison time.

I did the 😚👌 chef’s kiss at Trump saying that Mueller investigating his finances would be crossing the line and Mueller, the next day, diving into Trump’s finances.

I love all the former Jez writers ending up on the NYT Op-Ed page!

Similarly, people tore Hillary apart for her Wall Street speeches and attacked Ted Cruz because his wife worked at Goldman Sachs, but haven’t raised a peep about all of the GS alums in Trump’s Cabinet including his Treasury Secretary. It shows how disgustingly fake and disingenuous they are and why it’s not worth

And thus begins the neverending reboot of this presidency. The problem is they keep booting it back up to where they started on Jan 20.

God, I love Donny. Only someone as mind-blowingly over-confident and under-informed as he is could think scare tactics are a good idea against a man like Mueller. Because, yea, this absolutely looks like a man who is easily intimidated:

*sigh* Of course he was a pimp, a drug dealer and a draft dodger. Why wouldn’t he be? And Trump’s father was a klansman and a crook as well. I’m just gonna mention the fact that Obama’s father was a hard working Kenyan man, who may not have been a great father to President Obama but was an educated, cultured man,


Now she’s going to have to do Tammy II.

He hates him the most and he bears his name.

Who’s the next on the chopping block? Sessions, right?

You can see the “foam” at the top of the tea in this pic. Whiskey doesn’t do that.

Preibus most likely as he also hates Scaramucci and was totally blindsided.

Who’s the next on the chopping block? Sessions, right?

There’s this, too:

What’s funny is Clover spelled the name correctly. It’s Charlamagne who got it wrong:

He doesn’t respect women at all. The way he talks about his exes, even the way he answers Yee with one or two word answers and looks away What a degenerate plastic bag human.