
WHAT?!! Do NOT sign a lease before informing your partner you want to break up! Maybe start looking, but that to me feels shitty as well. I know it’s an inconvenience for you to have to find a new place, move shit, etc. but that comes with the territory. I can’t imagine how fucking horrible I’d feel if I found my

If anything fall and winter is peak Mass iced coffee season.

Uhm, excuse me, Ben Affleck is from Massachusetts. It’s always iced coffee season. 

Caught cheating on his pregnant wife. Dang dude, you JUST got married!

We’re not gonna talk about Kevin Hart?

A while ago, I was outside my house and I heard a familiar voice calling out to someone and I looked over, and it was Jenny Slate with some other people riding their bikes toward the park. She turned and looked at me and smiled as she biked past and it was all I could do not to jump up and down yelling “HI JENNY!!

I feel like the moral barometer might be different for most folks than it is for someone who thought hooking up with R. Kelly was a good idea a year ago.

The easiest thing in the world to do is manipulate an underage girl who is enthralled with you.

When I was in college, there was this very gross guy who was became good friends with one of my friends. So when I hang out with her I had to hang out with him. To be honest, he was disgusting yet he had these girls around him. I thought it was weird that he only seemed to be friends with girls and no one close to his

OMG @ Fat Rider Strong! Hahahahaha too good.

In the People article, a source from a cafe in the upstate town where Jr. weekends makes a point of saying he never has his hair slicked back. That coupled with the story about Jr. getting slapped by dad for wanting to wear a baseball jersey instead of a suit to, ya know, a baseball game, says a lot about their

She definitely looks like she’s guilty of something.

Oh, this was definitely a calculated move to get under 45's skin by going after Daughter-Wife.

Baby elephant - Never Forget!!

That’s a fake. They’re ugly but Jesus not that ugly.

Given the cruelty and spite exhibited by Kim Jong Trump and his spawn, I’m finding it hard finding sympathy for this “miserable” guy. This tweet sums up the mindset of the Trumpanzees. I don’t want anything bad to happy to me, but I really DO want bad things to happen to others. Junior should be happy they haven’t

He’d probably only be happy at a wildlife refuge in Africa if he was killing the animals.

Fucking Charlamagne. He’s on the right side of SO MANY THINGS, and then he gets WILDLY homophobic like three minutes later.