
I would say ‘as a compulsive fellatist this worries me’, but nowadays I am also an Olde™, so nobody aside from my partner is all that eager to be shoving their dick down my throat these days. Plus I live in Sydney, City Of Bottoms, so even the ones who turn up are interested in other activities ...

Oh children, clearly you didn’t get sex ed at the height of the AIDS crisis, before any treatment existed. I did actually have protected oral in the 90s. It wasn’t terrible, I guess. I mean I was just excited to be actually having sex, and really terrified of catching HIV and dying.

Remember when Degrassi had the episode where everyone got Gonorrhea because they were giving blow jobs in the ravine? I think we need more “special episodes” like this on TV shows for young people.

“Start using condoms and dental dams with oral or just wait it out and figure the planet is going to overheat and we’ll all be dead soon, anyway?” More like: start using condoms but not dental dams with oral or just wait it out and figure the planet is going to overheat and we’ll all be dead soon, anyway?

Does that guy in the middle of the picture have four popped collars?

I work as a nurse at a university, and we just had a patient come in with oral gonorrhea last week and the kid was allergic to every antibiotic. We had a long discussion about dental dams/condoms. We’re seeing a lot of this though. Kids just don’t wrap up, and for some reason all the grad students have herpes...

Why do I imagine Jared Kushner saying this a la some weird white people wasp-y party with white wine spritzers and sweaters jauntly tied around their shoulders. Him on some couch surrounded by a bunch of blonde, white interns, laughing over how too disorganized they were too collude with Russia.

Some days, the universe gives you one, ya know? Just enjoy, everybody who isn’t Mooch.

Everyone said he had to sell his business to get into government.

I’ve noticed some of the Trump signs disappearing from yards lately, lol.

I’m not happy about this because “The Mooch” was going to bring down the Trump White House even faster because he couldn’t keep his damn mouth shut and was pissing everyone off. Now who knows what we are going to get and it’s obvious Kelly is trying to right the ship. Ahh who am I kidding they can’t help themselves.


Now the shit pudding can hit the fan - if the sale of his hedge fund to the Chinese collapses, it proves his appointment was motive for a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violation. If the sale goes through , but for one cent less than the previously announced $90million, it proves the same, because he’d be accepting


Jeunes parents means new parents not young parents in the sense you’re impmying. Just like how you can be jeunes mariés as a middle-aged couple, it means newlywed.

Housewarming gift for the five college sophomores - including Z’s firstborn - who nicknamed their abode The Bungehole : A huge fishbowl full of condoms. To be replenished as necessary. The other parents were appalled, but they should be kissing my fucking ass now (three years later).

jesus, fuck yall.

He’s 19?! Oy.

Ugh curiosity got the best of me and I had to google it and OMG the People Mag write up about them is so forced. None of their accomplishments are impressive but People is trying so hard to make it sound like they’re a powerhouse couple. Take it down several notches People.

I quite literally feel rage that anyone but those nearest to them give a shit.